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<p>Possible changing major from Pre-med to Poli-Sci or taking both undergrad.
I heard Poli-sci is in the Business Dept. Anyone know about htis?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>that lists a lot of the majors.........</p>

<p>know clue why it's www6. who knows! (maybe some top secret code haha :)</p>

<p>Well most of the sites that have a 6 in it are like Future canes website and other stuff meant for current students or accepted students. Mayby they put the number so they limit the access. sounds like a weird explanation. lol but the number is weird eitherway :D</p>

<p>hmm... haha ok thanks!</p>

<p>Its not for restricted access or anything like that. I remember they changed it a while back so that <a href=""&gt;;/a> always redirects to the www6. I think it maybe for server or site upgrades. There used to be an article about it on the front page of the main <a href=""&gt;;/a> site, but I can't seem to find it..</p>

<p>just wondering how is it to fit in socially in the U o M for minorities. is it harder or there is no difference?</p>

<p>I'm not sure what minority you are..... but for Black, Indian (like from India), and Asian students there are major organizations that are VERY active on campus</p>

<p>ladyconfused, </p>

<p>when do we choose our classes and what is the whole process like? Will there be someone to help us? </p>

<p>also...could you maybe decribe a typical weekday for you at UM?</p>

<p>Article on the www6 change.
I always follow through.</p>

<p><a href=",1770,2509-1;23996-2;47654-3,00.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;,1770,2509-1;23996-2;47654-3,00.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>aaah thanks Kensir !!
good question littergirl, "....a day in the life of..." :)</p>

<p>when do we choose our classes and what is the whole process like? Will there be someone to help us? </p>

<p>After you pay your deposits they will mail you a very simplified mail registration sheet which you will fill out and send back to them. After you get on campus, you will get your schedule (not all the classes will necessarily be what you want) and then you will meet with your advisor and potentially drop/add classes. </p>


<p>also...could you maybe decribe a typical weekday for you at UM?</p>

Wake up at 8am, eat breakfast in my room, leave for class at 8:40am and get at my class at 8:55am (the elevator takes forever, and most classes start 5-10min before they're supposed to)..... so my 9:05am class then starts at 9am.... and ends at 9:50am.... then I walk to my next class which is in the same building and wait around talking on my cellphone or doing reading for about 20min and that class is supposed to start at 10:10am but the professor is ALWAYS late so we usually only start at around 10:30am.... that class ends at 11am.... then I walk back to the dorm and drop my books off in my room.... and head down for lunch with a friend at around 11:30am.... I then go back to my room and do hw for about an hour, vegitate for another hour, and then do more hw for an hour.... I then leave for my next class at 3pm... that class starts at 3:35pm and ends at 4:50pm...... after that class I go back and have dinner, and then usually do hw/watch tv/or hang out with friends for the rest of the night.......</p>

My first class is only at 11am so I sleep in, or do last minute hw in the morning....... then I basically (except for a few short breaks) have class from 11am-5pm (one is a 3hr lab and the other two are an 1hr15min each) and then I go back to my room and pass out for about an hour before I have dinner...... and then my evenings are about the same as the rest of the week....... (Thursday nights I usually do laundry because the laundry room is deserted, because most people are too tired from the week or out clubbing)</p>

<p>hope that helps</p>

<p>thanks ladyconfused,</p>

<p>also another quick one... how many hours of homework do freshman have, or is that really dependant on what your major is ? thanks</p>

<p>that's completely dependant on your major!!!</p>

<p>I usually spend about 3hrs a week reading biology.... 3hrs a week on math.... 4hrs a week reading philosophy...... 2hrs a week writing philosophy papers.... 4hrs a week reading for my history class...... 2hrs a week reading for my British lit class..... (that does not include studying for exams... just reading!)</p>

<p>wow.... is the workload almost always that heavy or do you choose it to be so ?</p>

<p>that's 17 credit hours......... you only need 12 credit hours to be considered full time, so I choose it :)</p>

<p>and I'm pre-med, chemistry major soooooooo that changes things a bit</p>

<p>*and those numbers were just averages...... like this week I only had about 1hr of philosophy reading, but I had 6hrs of British lit reading..... and only about an hour of biology reading because I had a biology exam...</p>

<p>ooh ok. yeah i hear pre med people have alot more work to do than most other majors... that and chemistry... wow haha</p>

<p>do you know what the workload for someone majoring in International Studies and Political Science might be ?

<p>If you're going into International Studies and Political Sicence, I have no real idea! </p>

<p>My guess would be that it would be a lot of reading, but not necessarily a ton of studying for exams.... One of my friends is pre-law in political science and she has a ton of reading to do, but only has to study like 2hrs for an exam (for biology I have to study at least 4hrs a day for at least a week before the exam).... </p>

<p>Just take 15 credit hours your first semester and you shouldn't be too overwhelmed.......</p>

<p>I came in with over 30 credit hours from dual-enrollment classes during high school so even in my "freshman" year, I'm taking a lot of sophomore classes which makes the course load heavier..... so that isn't necessarily the "typical" freshman course load...</p>

<p>Next semester I'm taking spectroscopic methods in chemistry, Shakespearean literature, calculus II, physics, and german sooooooooo that will be another heavy course load :) (18 credit hours)</p>

<p>One of my friends is majoring in nursing, and she's only taking 13 credit hours! It all depends how overwhelmed you like to be....... personally, I slack off if I'm not extremely challenged, so I have to create my own challenges with the amount of work....</p>

<p>For instance, this weekend I have to read an 800page book for my History of Medicine class (NEVER again am I taking a history class as an elective lol, that was probably the worst idea ever..... this class has 6 books you have read haha)</p>

<p>haha wow 800 pages... that is sick</p>

<p>but i take it you will be finished with school a bit earlier than your peers if you take more classes=credits right ?</p>

<p>The minimum number of credits for a bachelor's degree is 120, some majors require more, so unless you come in with a lot of AP or dual credits like Lady, 12 a semester will not get you through in 4 years. Starting out with a lighter first semester is probably a good idea so you get a feel for the workload but other semesters will require a heavier courseload. </p>

<p>The general rule of thumb for college is 2 hrs of homework a week for every credit.</p>

<p>ok thanks.</p>