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<p>thanks so much ladyconfused!! that was really helpful.
just one more question about choosing classes....</p>

<p>i got this packet in the mail but it didnt have a list of all the courses in it or anything..but it did talk about course registration. Was that something I am supposed to send back/ what was it?</p>

<p>ok i figured everything out!! so you can disregard my last post!</p>

<p>by the end of this semester I will have 60something credit hours..... so I technically could graduate earlier than my peers, but I'm not sure if I want to for various reasons... I may just end up double majoring</p>

<p>I was just accepted to the HPM and I was wondering: how doable is a 3.7 GPA? Does it require constant studying, etc? Do you know of anyone in the program? Also, I'd probably only come in with 3 AP credits, so is 90 hours of coursework in 3 years overwelming? Thanks</p>

<p>Waterplove, a 3.7GPA is attainable but it will require a lot of studying.... if you manage you're time well, you'll be able to do it...</p>

<p>Compared to high school, whats the courseload and difficulty of the classes like? how hard is it to get a good gpa (say 3.5) compared to high school. im majoring in business by the way (accounting/finance).</p>


<p>If you know anything about club sports or intramurals I have some questions.</p>

<p>With club sports is it for a semester or a whole year?</p>

<p>And for intramurals, do the teams practice or just play games?</p>

<p>know anything bout Golf? i might do a lil golf but im sorta curious as to how the club is.</p>

<p>Just to make my post more specific...</p>

<p>I want to play soccer as a club sport, and volleyball and ultimate frisbee as intramurals. And I read soccer has practice on Tues, Wed, Fri, so I wouldn't be able to play other intramurals on those days. So do intramurals (like volleyball and ultimate frisbee) always play on the same day?</p>

<p>Just to make my post more specific...</p>

<p>I want to play soccer as a club sport, and volleyball and ultimate frisbee as intramurals. And I read soccer has practice on Tues, Wed, Fri, so I wouldn't be able to play other intramurals on those days. So do intramurals (like volleyball and ultimate frisbee) always play on the same day?</p>

<p>I have no clue lol</p>

<p>I do have a friend that plays intramural and club sports, and he plays rugby, soccer, and tennis (I think some of them are in clubs though, so they don't conflict)</p>


<p>know anything bout Golf? i might do a lil golf but im sorta curious as to how the club is.</p>

<p>no clue again........ contact the club president and he/she will be able to tell you more about their club...... also in the first week of school (or during orientation, I can't remember exactly when), there is a HUGE expo in the Bank United Center with tons and tons of clubs represented, where you can ask all kinds of questions and get their flyers and first meeting time....</p>


<p>Compared to high school, whats the courseload and difficulty of the classes like? how hard is it to get a good gpa (say 3.5) compared to high school. im majoring in business by the way (accounting/finance).</p>

<p>It seriously depends where you went to highschool, and how challenging your classes were (which is very subjective).... I personally took a ton of dual enrollment (college classes) during highschool so I was use to college level classes. Some of my friends were completely shocked by the amount of work, and others think college is easier than highschool......... soooo you'll pretty much just have to find that one out for yourself ;)</p>

<p>Can anybody please help answer this question. What is the GPA for the AP credit of 5? Thanks.</p>

<p>I'll be pre-med and I've taken AP and IB classes. Should I use the credits I'd get for scoring well on the exams, or retake classes like CHM 111,112,113,114 to make sure I keep up my GPA and know the material?
Also, if the credits add up to more than the max of 60, which ones is it better to count? Ladyconfused, which classes did you take freshman year?</p>

<p>irenehlin88: My understanding is that you won't get a grade for AP credit. It'll be noted on your transcript that you received credit for those courses, but you won't have a specific grade.</p>

<p>Also, the number of credits you receive depends on the exam(s) you took & the scores you got.</p>

<p>Can non-theatre majors get into plays?</p>

<p>aphoticmelody is right (or so I think) about not getting a GPA for AP credits and only getting credit for having completed the class!</p>


<p>non-theatre majors can get into some plays (I'm not absolutely sure about how this works, but I do know of plenty of pre-med bio majors that are in plays!)</p>

<p>I don't know if you would know the answer to this question specificially, but any insight would be helpful. I'm going to be a music composition major next year, but thinking about either double majoring in business and minoring in theatre, or double minoring in both business and theatre, or some combination of the three. Is it possible to do? Would I die with too much work... would I have to go for an extra year if I was a music major and had a double minor? What about one major and one minor? Or a double major?</p>

<p>Also, I was wondering, in general, how do freshman sign up for classes.... does your counselor help you through it during orientation?</p>


<p>Freshman sign up for classes through mail registration... and you get the packet after you pay your deposit.</p>

<p>I highly doubt that you would have to do an extra year if you were to have a double minor... I'm not an expert on the music school though!</p>


<p>UM students seem to have gained a reputation for being rich, snobbish, and arrogant. I know one person who's transfering because she can't stand the people there. Is it really that bad? Will a non-rich/arrogant/snobbish person be able to make friends? I'm fairly outgoing and usually don't have a problem making friends, but that's not exactly my crowd...I'm from a laid back middle class town, not Laguna Beach.</p>

<p>There are 10k+ people on campus. If you can't find your own niche, its not the school that's the problem, you are. Couple this with the fact that you are in MIAMI florida, one of the major cities in America and with a huge flood of tourists daily, the only way you can possibly fail at meeting people is if you have a problem. Trust me man, there's no need for you to be worried at all, if anything, no offense meant to your friend, it seems like THEY are the snobbish arrogant ones. I mean they really think that everyone will like them or something? if so, then when you are talking to your friend next year I bet the people at her new campus will be just as bad and she will be transferring again lol.</p>

<p>Edit: Also keep in mind U Miami is one of the most diverse schools for its fairly high ranking (and growing). There's no way you should not be able to meet someone your compatible with.</p>

<p>Shirtnproud52: Which school did you decide to attend??? Saw your profile.... My son is attending UM and is also from LI. Seems like everyone I speak to knows someone from here already a student there. All give me positive feedback. They all love it.</p>