Ask a current student anything

<p>Did you find it to be easy to be accepted into The U? I’m a senior in High School and got denied from the University of Miami but I have a ****ty overall average of a 80 (2.5) but I never tried. If i finally realized how foolish i was for not taking school seriously and i have matured and i want to know if theres still hope in getting accepted to Miami. I’m planning on completing one year at a local college and then transferring to Miami. If I maintain a 3.5-3.9 GPA year long do I have a good chance of being accepted? For transfer students Miami has this thing that if you have over 30 credits the first college year, your highschool grades don’t count. Please let me know what I can do to help better my chances, what did you do to get accepted? What grades did you have?</p>

<p>You can use florida bright futures towards housing. RAs are generally chill (there are always outliers) as long as you’re smart and keep your door closed when you need to. On campus, no one will pressure you towards or more or less against smoking (although we are aiming to be tobacco free soon so please don’t try to bring a serious habit to campus). There are spots near the freshman dorms where kids will go to smoke, and I can’t remember any instances of harassment from any officials. Drinking generally would be in dorms, as there are smoke detectors installed inside</p>


Though this area by the lake is generally known to be deliberately “unpatrolled,” I was just hearing about how there was once an organized bust… about 20 cops busted dozens of kids. But other than that one major incident, it’s a relatively chill area.</p>