ask a question for the next person to answer! (stolen from Princeton thread)

<p>Okay, here are the rules. Answer the question asked previously and then post a question of your own. I'll start!</p>

<p>What's your ideal honeymoon location?</p>

A week at the Burj Al-Arab Hotel & Spa with the Honeymoon Package. Done.
Check it out:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Filet Mignon or Prime Rib?</p>

<p>Filet Mignon</p>

<p>What's the index of refraction of Lucite, and the critical angle light from air must strike it at to have the ray go across the surface?
(yes yes I know, but it was all I could think of!)</p>

<p>The index of refraction (n) for any substance is the speed of light (c) over the value of speed of light through a medium (v). The value for Lucite is roughly 1.5, meaning that speed of light in Lucite is 2.00x108 m/s. The reason why we get different values for the index of refraction for Lucite is because the constants in the material are not always actually constant. The permittivity constants for the material will always vary by a small amount and light is never a continuous wave, so you'll always get a different number for n.</p>

<p>I hope this answers your question, SineWave. (P.S. It is copied directly off the internet).</p>

<p>Apples or Oranges?</p>

<p>I took AP last year, so I don't have my handy dandy book to look it up. So my answer is: Chuck Norris. </p>

<p>Definitely oranges, especially Cara-Cara (they look like grapefruit...but taste like orange. Brilliant.)</p>

<p>Do you like Vietnamese food (the food for devils...the imitation food)?</p>

<p>i really don't know, but indonesian barbeque is really amazing</p>

<p>what's the furthest you've ever been away from home and how long were you there?</p>

<p>to India for a month.</p>

<p>What would you do with a million dollars?</p>

<p>Pay for my (hopefully) Cornell education!</p>

<p>AP or IB?</p>


<p>Shamrock Shake or McFlurry?</p>

<p>IB BABY!!!! IB owns AP anyday, anywhere. We are smarter. Done.</p>

<p>Olive oil or Butter?</p>

<p>Olive oil (I'm Italian, what else?)</p>

<p>The Clash or the Sex Pistols?</p>

<p>Sex Pistols. I don't like either of their music very much, but Sex Pistols more than The Clash.</p>

<p>Ferrari or Porsche (careful how you answer, ;) )?</p>

<p>uh, ferrari, no duh.</p>

<p>Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny?</p>

<p>Easter Bunny, I swear Santa Clause is my homeroom teacher and he is NOT a friendly man.</p>

<p>What's your favourite kind of sushi?</p>

<p>I love sake maki, california maki, yellowtail maki, inari, unagi...don't like tuna though.</p>

<p>Are you currently in a relationship?</p>

<p>just broke up last week. so..SINGLE! :)</p>

<p>do you like short hair or long hair (for girls)? and if you're a guy, do you like a girl with short hair or long hair?</p>

<p>Short hair, clean cut.</p>

<p>What's your favorite word?</p>

<p>(I'm a guy)
TOTALLY long hair. I mean, it doesn't need to be really long, but shoulder length is good.</p>

<p>Pre-Law or Pre-Med?</p>

<p>Corollary. (And Pre-Med. Overlapped again. :P)</p>

<p>What's your favorite book?</p>

<p>ahh, overlapped the posts...</p>

<p>My favorite word is $#!T. I tend to over use it, as my grandfather did...</p>

<p>Pre-Law or Pre-Med?</p>