Ask a UA Eller Graduate from the Honors College Anything

<p>Just wanted to post on here that I graduated from the U of Arizona this past May as a business management student in Eller who was also part of the honors college. I know there is another posting for asking a UA student questions, but I am an Eller graduate so I thought I could help people if they have questions about the business school (pre business courses, applying, and once admitted). I was in a fraternity and lived the “U of Arizona” life, while still doing very well in school so to everyone out there it is definitely possible if you pick the right major. Hope to hear from you soon.</p>


<p>Hi there! I’m an OOS student from NJ who applied to UA a couple of months ago, and the honors program also. Friday I finally heard back, when I received a packet in the mail with my acceptance and Arizona Excellence Award (6k). But there was nothing about the honors college in the packet (even a rejection). I went online and signed on to My UA account but nothing either. Does this mean that I didn’t get in? Or does the decision come a few weeks after?</p>

<p>I’m not in the Honors College, but a good rule of thumb for this sort of situation is to call them. It is much more effective than asking rando people online.</p>

<p>I would agree with walteral1990 that the best way to find out if you were accepted is to give them a call, but from my experience the oos students who were accepted were told in the acceptance packet. If you find out that you were not accepted right from high school it really isn’t that big of a deal. You can apply for the honors college once enrolled in the University if you keep a high GPA. It may be a minimum of two semester, but it could be as short as one. I applied before junior year with my college GPA and was easily accepted. From talking to people who did what I did it seems like you need to have >3.6 to get accepted. I knew one girl with a 3.6 who made it, but most people were in the 3.7 area when they were accepted. The nice part about starting the honors college later is you have to take less honors units to graduate with honors. Freshman have to do 30 units while I only had to do 18, 6 of which were my thesis.</p>

<p>How’s the business management degree working for you?</p>

<p>If I were to do it over again I probably would have chosen a different major in Eller. I chose Business Management over MIS because I knew I wanted to go to graduate school and mgmt is one of the easier majors to do well in. I wish I would have picked MIS/Operations because it would have been much easier to find a job right after graduation, but I am going to grad school anyways next year so I wasn’t really looking that hard anyways. From my friends who graduated with me MIS and Accounting seemed to find jobs the easiest followed by Finance. Business Management and Marketing had a little more dificulty, but from what I’ve seen most people can get a job out of Eller. It may be more sales/commission oriented, but there is usually something for everyone with a decent academic record. I guess you could say choosing mgmt worked out well for me in the end because I got all A’s in the six mgmt electives and I highly doubt that would have happened in MIS or Accounting. Will you be applying to Eller soon?</p>

<p>No, I’m Electrical Engr. all the way. I was asking because I don’t know anyone who isn’t an engineering major and when I hear “business management” I’m thinking you either want to a) go straight to a management position at an established company or b) want to run your own business. In either case, wisdom is saying companies promote to managers, not hire and by running your own business having a degree wouldn’t be essential anyways. Thus I was wondering where you ended up on graduation, since other Eller majors like finance and accounting are much more obvious.</p>

<p>Ya I would agree with you that Business Managemnt isn’t the best major if you want a non sales job right out of school. In general the people who picked mgmt were a) did not have the best pre-business grades and mgmt is one of the esier majors to get into, b) have a family company they want to work for after graduation, or c) knew they wanted to go to grad school (JD, MD, MBA, PhD, etc…) and mgmt in my opinion is the easiest to do well in. In the end mgmt majors only take 5 or 6 different courses from Accounting or Finance majors so while being a mgmt major may make it a little more difficult to get a job after graduation we still take 8 or 9 classes all together after junior year and all the same pre-business courses freshman and sophmore year so we get a very similair general business curriclium.</p>

<p>Why did you join the honors college? Would you recommend joining to current and prospective U of A students? </p>

<p>I personally counsel against joining because the fee, the increased amount of work and the thesis are not worth the privilege of putting ‘honors’ on your resume. Further, I believe that you can still meet intelligent people and obtain a rigorous education without joining.</p>


<p>I graduated in May so being a member of the honors college was still free. I originally joined the honors college junior year because I was interested in applying to this fullbright scholarship. If an incoming freshman were to ask me if the $500 cost of the honors college was worth it I would say it depends. Being a members of the honors college is very convenient because you get to register first and won’t have to worry about getting into better geneds. There were so many times that people I knew were stuck with terrible geneds and it ruined their semester. </p>

<p>I would agree with you that you can definitely meet plenty of intelligent people without being enrolled in the honors college, but it certainly makes it easier. By junior year I had already made pretty good friends so I wasn’t involved with the honors activities, but they offered plenty of ways to meet people and get involved in various programs with fellow honors students. There is no questions that being part of the honors is a lot more work, but it does have it’s benefits. If you go all the way through your talking about 8 honors courses plus the thesis. From talking to people I would never do the honors sections of pre-med science courses, but I would do them for all the Tier 1 and Tier 2’s that are available. They key is to take a honors course with a single honors sections rather than taking a honors course all by itself. When you have just a honors section in a normal class it ends up being much easier because your still taking your exams with a regular class. Hopefully this was helpful, if you would like me to clarify anything just ask and I would be happy to do so.</p>

<p>Same problem happened to me, I got acceptance letter with wildcat excellence award but no information about honors college which I wrote an essay and applied for. I was told on the phone the first time that I have not applied for the honors college which is not true. The second time, I was told, I was not accepted and that everyone (people that didn’t write an essay) was considered for this. Third time I called (called the number from an e-mail reply i sent to admissions office) lady told me I was accepted into honors college. I’m still skeptical if i’m accepted or not into the honors college, but I’m still waiting replies from other colleges</p>

<p>A couple questions for you. </p>

<li><p>I am currently at Glendale Community College and I’m transfering to Pima to finish 3 classes before being able to go to U of A with an associate’s in business degree. Did you know any transfer students in the Eller upper level program and if they did well? </p></li>
<li><p>I want to do business economics because I am planning to go to law school some time after graduation. Do you think that would be the best business major? Or should I do bus. management just in case I don’t go to law school or if it would be a better choice for law school?</p></li>


<p>I knew several people who transferred from Pima directly into Eller. Some of them did very well and others did not, but that had nothing to do with where they went to school before Arizona. From what I could see the people who studied hard did well and the ones who slacked off didn’t.</p>

<p>Business Econ and Business Mgmt would both be great majors to choose if you wanted law school after graduation. The only reason I would lean slightly to Business Management is you may find it a little easier unless you are good at upper level math found in some of the econ courses. I had some friends who had difficulty with 2 or 3 of the econ courses so it ended up hurting their GPA. If I were applying to law school I would want the highest GPA possible and I think business management may make that a little easier, but not by much so I would say check out the required courses for each major and decide which you would truly enjoy more. Most likely you will do better in courses you actually like instead of something that may be a little easier, but boring to you.</p>

<p>I’ve always heard that ASU>UofA in Business, yet Eller is ranked higher than Carey according to Businessweek. All Wildcat bias aside, do you think that Eller graduates are more prepared than Carey grads? I was accepted into Barrett at ASU; how well do you think Eller+Honors stacks up against that?</p>

<p>Can I apply straight from high school to the Eller business school? And what would you suggest would be the best major to find a job in the Eller school?</p>

<p>WackoWasko and Adamzz,</p>

<p>I’m sorry for the late reply. I’m in Europe right now. I knew one person at ASU business and they seemed to like it, but I would not say 1 is so much better than another. There are certaintly better programs within the business school so for example if you were interested in MIS I would say definitely go to UA, or I believe operations is really well known at ASU. Besides those two majors I really do not think it matters. I can’t speak on ASU honors college because I didn’t know anyone in it.</p>

<p>You can not apply straight from high school to Eller. If you are accepted to the honors program Eller offers a track where you are pretty much guarteened acceptance after two years, but everyone has to do the pre business courses first. I would suggest that the best major to find a job after is mis, accounting, and finance, but if those things are not your strengths I would choose a major where you can get the best grades.</p>

<p>hey! I am an undergraduate student applying to Eller this semester. do you know how competitive being admitted is, like do they accept only a few of the applicants who apply, or do most people get accepted?</p>

<p>How difficult to get in the MIS program of Eller from pre-Biz? How high the GPA should be? Thanks.</p>