Ask a UM student

<p>Im currently a sophomore at the UM. If anyone has any questions about anything miami related feel free to ask. This website helped me alot when I was trying to make my decision so I decided to pay it back. Im a business administration major here. Ask away. </p>

<p>My friend told me the college felt like a prison when he visited since the buildings on campus are very modern. I’m not believing exactly what he says, but I’ve seen the campus and I sort of get what he means. I plan on doing a tour, but I have to wait until the New Year. I just wanted to know what you thought the campus was like and maybe how the social aspect has been so far for you. Keep in mind I have been to college tours at UF (I definitely could see myself there) and UCF (pretty nice too) Thank you!!!</p>

<p>How do you like it there? How big of a party school is it truly?</p>

<p>Also a student here. I’ll answer a few questions because, like ChillinMiami, this site was super helpful in figuring out the whole college thing.</p>

<p>Schweini31 - The campuses are super modern for sure. Your friend is probably referring to the dorms, which are kinda prison-y. The main reason for that is because of the whole “hurricane” thing. The buildings are made to withstand nature, seeing as Miami is kinda dangerous in hurricane season. </p>

<p>Personally, I love the campus. It ended up being the deciding factor for me. The fact that you can study on the edge of a gorgeous lake or under big, shady trees really got to me. The only way to know for sure is to visit, though. </p>

<p>The social aspect is great. There is always something going on on campus and it’s really easy to make friends. There are a ton of clubs that you can get involved with and everyone is really welcoming. </p>

<p>Intornah - I personally love it here. I knew I’d like it, but I didn’t think I could be this happy at a school. And there’s definitely a big party scene, but you can avoid it pretty easily. There are people going out every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, but that’s not the only thing that people do. I’m personally not a partier, but I’m not a loner hanging in my room every weekend. The party scene is great if you want it, and nonexistent if you don’t. </p>

<p>*Sorry everyone, but closing this thread because the OP has been banned due to violations of the Terms of Service (multiple accounts). Maybe someone can open a new “Questions about Miami” thread and @nicolehayleyr‌ and others can answer them. - FC</p>