Ask About Andover

Hi, everyone.

The title of this thread is pretty self-explanatory, but this thread has been created to answer any qualms that you all might have about Andover. Please note that many questions have already been answered on this site, and that you can always refer to other forums about PA, or even just boarding school in general. Nonetheless, information about schools can change over time, and if you want up-to-date information (specifically about Andover), you can definitely just ask it in this thread!

I’m currently a Junior (or freshman - whatever you want to call it) at Andover, and I, along with users like @minimalist @anah15 and @gossipgirlME (and other users who want to contribute to the thread) will be present to answer your questions!

I’m also up to answer any questions about PA. It could be good to get both of our perspectives. One just starting out, and myself looking back on my four years there.

Same here! I am also currently a junior(freshman).

Any student/alum/parent/friend/staff is free to field questions as well, but do not ask to be chanced here. It puts these students in a difficult situation of wanting to answer questions, but they have no clue what your chances would be.

Hey so I’m looking to apply to PA as an international student for boarding.
Does the school really help in terms of college admissions because its super expensive and doesn’t make sense unless it pays off!
Are the people and teachers there nice?
Is it possible for me to get financial aid?

No school in the US will get you in to a particular college. Colleges do not admit students solely based upon what HS they attended. A student’s achievements are what gets a students accepted to a university. Having said that, Andover (as well as many many other schools) will provide the tools to help one be a better applicant. However, it’s up to the student to make use of these resources.

Yes, but the teachers are also challenging.

It depends upon your family’s financial situation. Nobody here can accurately answer this question.

I concur with skieurope. The college i’m currently attending had a long, complicated application process that was quite different from that of a typical university,and the Andover college counseling department was extremely helpful. No, they can’t get you into the college you may want to go to, but they are there every step of the way and will do everything they can, so long as you put in equal effort.

How competitive are the soccer players and boys tennis team members and does it help admission chances if applicants are good players? My son has played soccer for many years and is an above average player on his travel soccer team.

He is also a pretty avid tennis player but he has not participated in USTA tournaments for a few years due to other commitments but from looking at rankings of kids who he beat him or he has beaten is probably a top 100ish player in NC.

He is currently in eighth grade and we are thinking of applying. Thanks so much for any comments.

Being a good player can certainly help admission chances. Reach out to the coach, and at least get on the radar by sending some game tapes. It is a pretty competitive team to make, and they do play pretty well. Same goes for tennis.

There are 4 levels of competitive soccer (V,JV,JV2,JV3) as well as on campus for 10th-12th grade which is very casual. JV3 is 9th grade and was by sign up and not as competitive. Each year a few 9th graders play varsity. There is preseason training for a week before school starts - off campus. A few kids play club soccer as well as PA soccer - that takes some coordination and day student/very local parent to make it work. Definitely reach out to coaches of any sport your child plays well.

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Any interview tips? What should I wear? What questions should I expect?

Hey, I’ve had the interview quite recently, and I feel somewhat capable of answering your question. (If it isn’t too late…)
Just wear whatever you want, as long as it is comfortable, and respectable. Be you, and act calm and natural, even if your insides are a ball of nerves. The AO (or representative, if you’re on Skype) will probably ask you questions about your favorite class in school, and why, questions about what you do after school, and general things about your life. See it more as a casual conversation than an interrogation.

Now a question of my own:
Will the fact that I am an international student who currently follows the British school system affect my chances, and my (potential) life at Andover? I understand the differences, but would you know if it would be hard to catch back up?


Not more than any other student. Most students find a big adjustment coming to Andover (or any other boarding school.)

okay, thank you!

Is it ok to contact music teachers?
If so, how should I contact them?

Thanks for any replies!

Does getting a postcard about your interests mean anything at all? Also, are the decisions posted online? Thanks so much. EDIT: do a lot of kids go to the summer program before school starts?
EDIT #2 (sorry, I have so many questions):
Is the food good? When do you find out your dorm/roommate? I heard that the schedule was changing, is that true?

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Hey, Andover Senior here, haven’t posted in forever but…

  1. The postcards go out to anyone who comes in for a tour and are written by the tour guides when there are more tour guides than tours to give out for a certain period.
  2. The food is good and runs on about a two week cycle. You can go to our campus dish website to find out what the menu is every day.
  3. Dorm/Roommate information has been released on the 20th +- 1 day of August every year I've been a student.
  4. I think maybe like 20% of the kids go to the summer program before it starts. Definitely not a requirement for most.
  5. I think decisions are posted online, but honestly not sure.
  6. The schedule was going to be changing next year, but they've put it indefinitely on hold until some later time.

From what I gathered, all decisions are posted online by 5ish (?) on M10. Those who are admitted however may receive their packages a few hours earlier depending on their local FedEx delivery schedule. Hope this helps.

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Thanks so much!