<p>Good questions…</p>
<p>What was the worst part of your transfer experience?
“Missing out” on the dorm life, that would really be it… everything else was awesome, got to skip out on the weeder lower division classes, saved 2 years of tuition. </p>
<p>Were you in any transfer programs with Cal?
<p>Did the amount of homework increase or just the amount of studying on your own?
There isn’t “homework” like there is at community college, there are problem sets, labs, and midterms. I’d say the rigor increased requiring some actual thought… no longer could I just cram in a bunch of nonsense and regurgitate it. What I found was that it’s not that you get more stuff to do, it’s that the stuff you get takes time to understand and internalize. </p>
<p>How much interaction did you have with your profs both for large and small sized classes?
I got as much as I wanted, meaning if I wanted access to a professor I never had problems getting it. Whether by email, office hours or simply making a private appointment to meet… the professors were always available, even in my 200+ courses. </p>
<p>Is it normal for a transfer student to stay for more than 2 years to graduate?
Umm, I would say it isn’t ‘normal’ but certainly not unheard of. </p>
<p>What did you do between summers?
Summer before I traveled abroad for a month, had a blast. Following summer, summer school, which was ridiculously fun/chill</p>
<p>How often could you sit down with a counselor?
Every day if I wanted to, they are always there for you… multiple ones at that. There were times I would have a quick question, didn’t even bother going to their offices, sent an email got a response within the minute. </p>
<p>What was one thing that you wish you could have gone back and changed that was related to your academics?
Taken advantage of GSI’s more… they are awesome, you have to remember these are the smartest, the top tier, Berkeley grad school… the future professors, researchers and leaders of the world… you have this tremendous access to pick their brains, make friends with them and most importantly get all your questions answered so you can ace your classes… don’t ever forget, it’s the GSI that gives you your grade at the end of the semester. </p>
<p>And the all important chance:</p>
<p>I’d say your chances are strong, people in Berkeley TAP almost always get in… I take it you are an under represented minority or have overcome hardship. </p>
<p>GPA: 3.75 (one B and one C in first semester and all A’s after)</p>
<p>Grades are strong, I like that the B and C were in the first semester, shows you figured out your mistakes and made changes… clearly demonstrates improvement and the ability to adapt.</p>
<p>Major: Psych
Special Transfer Programs: UC Berkeley’s Starting Point Mentorship Program, UC Berkeley’s Transfer Alliance Project, TAG Davis
Applied: B, LA </p>