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@laurclassof2021 Thanks for the feedback about chemical free housing. Is this an option for Hinman dorms? I decided I would want to dorm at Hinman because the private bathroom aspect of it is important and because Hinman is close to the dining halls (I think? This is what i got from looking at the campus map, where the closest dining areas were the Hinman Dining Hall and the Mountainview one.)

There’s a dining hall for each community. Hinman is extremely close to the lecture hall though so that’s really nice. On the Binghamton website it says that chem free housing is in all of the communities except for the apartment communities (Susquehanna and Hillside).

@laurclassof2021 This is probably a dumb question, but is it common for people to eat at other residential building’s dining hall? From looking at the Bing campus map,Hinman seems fairly close to Mountainview’s dining hall (which I read was in the Appalachian Collegiate Center?) I might choose Hinman since it’s very close to two dining halls (more variety within a shorter distance would be beneficial).

In addition, do we receive housing forms after we submit our enrollment deposit? Is it through email? I am guessing that the housing forms include which community you are choosing, whether you want chem-free or not, and whether you want a single, double, or triple.

@stechin I eat at Hinman all the time. They have better pizza, Starbucks, and Subway. I’ve also walked to the Dickinson-Newing dining hall at midnight just to get a milkshake, so yeah it’s pretty common.

The housing is on a separate portal, and I believe the form opened up on April 8th at 10am this year. This is only the form where you fill out the roommate questions, and it gives you the chance to choose a roommate. Depending on when you filled out this form, you get a time slot sometime in May (I believe I had May 23rd) where you can actually choose your room. It’s really uncommon for a freshman to get a single, so don’t expect to get one unless you’re really lucky. You can choose the building and the exact room that you want to stay in. It will also indicate which room is a single, double, or triple.

@laurclassof2021 Just to clarify, you don’t choose your residential hall (Newing, Mountainvide, Hinman, CIW, etc.) until around April, right? I hear Hinman has only four or six person suites with doubles. If I choose a four person suite, I’m guessing it would be extremely rare to get if I request it. Also, I’d only be able to get a double, right (since Hinman is comprised of only doubles, except for the single occupied by the RA?)

Is that also the form where you also request chem free housing?

Are you allow to choose your roommate as a freshman ?? Or is it completely random?
My friend and I are planning to go together but want to dorm together too

Wow. Thanks for a phenomenally detailed explanation. It helps an enormous amount. You talked about how important it is to get in a good group for 103 before it starts because you choose your groups on the first day. How would meet people before the class begins? Orientation? Or are there some engineering specific events you can attend before classes start as a freshman? Thanks again!

Hi I’m a sophomore at Bing majoring in electrical engineering in the Watson school. I’m in the scholars program, society of women engineers, CSTEP, and student support services. I live in a double in Newing. (I feel like I just wrote out half my resume…yikes) Shoot me some questions and I’ll try to answer to the best of my ability.

@nycpigeons You can choose your roommate on the housing portal. Its the same form that you fill out a personality roommate survey, decide if you want break housing or chem-free housing and rank the residence halls that in the order that you want to live in. You can request a roommate there but to be sure that you’re placed together make sure that you both request each other and have the same ranking for communities (decide if you guys want chem-free or break housing and have that decision be the same). It might help to also answer the survey with the same answers but I don’t think that’s required.

@bracchium Watson freshmen pretty much get their schedule made for them. They’re already placed into all their required classes and have the option of adding a gen ed or two if they can fit it in their schedule. Not a bad thing, it makes scheduling at orientation very easy. There aren’t ready any Watson specific events before classes. But when you have to sign up for an orientation date, there are professional school orientations that are only for Watson, Decker and SOM students so you could meet other freshman there and hope that they’re in your assigned 103 class. You could also make a facebook group titled something like “Binghamton University Watson Class of 2022” and compare schedules to find people in your 103 class.

Just a general tip, try to go to an earlier orientation rather than a later one. The later you go, the more freshman have already registered for classes and the less open classes there are.

My son received a message asking if he would except CCPA over Harpur. Is CCPA as good ?
His average was 93 sat 1300.

It just means that he would enter Bing with one of the CCPA majors. If he decides that he doesn’t want to stay in CCPA he can transfer to one of the other schools (like Harpur, Watson, Decker or SOM), which is a pretty simple process depending on the school (Harper is really simple, but some of the others require interviews and stuff), as long as he meets the requirements of the new school. These kinds of transfers happen all the time so its no big deal.

Hey! I’m a senior applying to Bing and I have a lot of questions to ask!! (Sorry in advance)

  1. I heard that Bing requires all freshmen to live on campus for the first year
    Is it possible if I could dorm for a semester and then live in an apartment near the school for the second semester
    I have a pretty bad case of insomnia and my family isn’t exactly financially well off but I feel like they’re weak excuses
  1. Is Bing fair with their application process because I was checking the collegeconfidential forum from a year ago and they waitlisted people who were well qualified for Harpur college (92 avgs and 1350 new SAT). I'm really scared because I still haven't heard back and my stats are around the people who were waitlisted. (I'm doing EA btw)
  2. I'm also trying for pre-med but I don't know what major I should go into. (Biological Sciences or Biochem I really don't know)
  3. If I do really well for my freshman year, is there some sort of scholarship opportunity?
  4. Any opinions on sororities/fraternities? Are they open for freshmen or do you have to wait a year?

Take the CCPA acceptance. My D is a sophmore at Bing and took a CCPA acceptance and has since transferred to Harpur. We stressed about it before she accepted but it was no big deal.

If I were you I’d bring up moving off campus with reslife. If you can make a convincing case, you could probably move off campus for spring semester. Here’s their contact info:

I don’t know much about admissions, or waitlisting, but my advice is to just wait it out. I don’t know why they choose to waitlist some people and not others. Waitlisting isn’t denial though!! There’s still hope!

Technically you can major in anything and still be pre-med, but most people do bio or biochem. You don’t have to decide yet though. Both bio and biochem majors have to take the same intro classes (chem 107&108, and bio117&118) and that should take both semesters of freshman year. At that point, it’s more preference, if you like chem a lot, major in biochem, if you’re not a big fan of chem, major in bio. If you’re still not sure, then you’d take more of the classes that overlap for both majors (Orgochem 1&2, statistics, etc).

After acceptance, you’ll get a financial aid package and you might get a scholarship from the school. You’re automatically considered for a bunch scholarships. There are also a lot of outside scholarships that you can apply for at any point. Generally, you won’t get any additional scholarships from the school after freshman year though. But definitely apply for outside scholarships!!! For freshman year and other years.

There are a lot of sororities/fraternities on campus, most people in greek life live in newing. Freshman can’t join greek life during their first semester, so you’d have to wait until spring to rush.

I have a question about the housing: Where do freshman usually get housed and how is it determined?

@icprend freshmen can live anywhere they want. It just depends on what community you feel is best for you I guess.

@laurclassof2021 Do you know if there are any opportunities for student employment that does NOT require having financial aid? I looked up student employment on their website but a majority of the information was regarding positions for financial aid people only.

After accepting and starting classes you get access to a website called handshake where you can look at and apply for on campus jobs. You can also email professors and departments for a job too

@sfernan6 Thanks. I really doubt I’ll get a job freshman year since I’ll still be adjusting to college life, but I just wanted to know just for future reference.

I have questions regarding dorming. Because I’m going for the cheapest option, I’m either choosing a Hinman double or a CIW dorm. Hinman, I hear, is more suitable for my personality (studious, quiet, not into the party scene) but has significantly smaller room space. I’d opt for CIW, which has bigger double suite rooms, except the stereotype for that residential hall is unlike me. In addition, the long climb up the stairs would be annoying to me. CIW is a mix of suites and corridor style rooms while Hinman is strictly suites. How difficult would it be for a freshman to secure a CIW suite or a Hinman suite? Does the housing portal state whether the room you selected is a suite or not (could you determine it by looking at the number of beds, knowing that 4/6 is a suite?) I’m sticking to a suite because I really don’t want to share a comunal bathroom with 20+ people and have to lock my room every time I shower.

i have been accepted to premed and have a couple qs/ heard they have research opprtunity (ies) in living communities as well as freshman year w professors… how do i go about applying to those or are those only by invitation?

Thanks for posting this! Very informative.
Question about the engineering facilities… Are they kept in good shape and are investments made to add newer cutting-edge technology?