Ask Questions about Loomis Chaffee!

The two new dorms are fantastic. They are open to Freshman and Sophomores. Most people live in doubles.

Cutler WILL be open to sophomores! All underclassman dorms have a mix of doubles and singles with many being doubles. The singles available typically go to sophomores or prefects (Juniors that live in the underclassman dorms as mentors.) The three underclassman girls dorms are AMAZING! I love my little home here. :slight_smile: @bobtheunicorn

Thanks @burfus91 and @HistoryGeek40 ! I heard from current students that Richmond and Carter are really nice dorms! Crossing my fingers so I get a nice room and roommate :slight_smile: Also, do you know what classes sophomores generally take? The new student course registration just came out and apparently only 5 academic classes+art+sports are allowed. I have no idea how to pick my classes as I wanted to double up in science!

Hello! I’m coming in as a freshman at Loomis Chaffee this fall and I had a question about the two World History Classes that are offered. World History - Making of Our Modern World, and History from The Inside Out - Uncovering Roots and Legacies of the Early Modern World. I was wondering about the difficulty of each, and which one you would recommend more. I don’t mind acting, and that kind of louder atmosphere but I’m torn on whether or not I would want to take the History From the Inside Out, class for the whole year. Thanks in advance!

Welcome to the Island! Maybe if I’m lucky enough, you’ll be in my dorm. :slight_smile: I was in History From The Inside Out this year and I loved every bit of it. Definitely a more abstract class with writing, roleplaying, and discussing historical themes. Mr. Williams is a fantastic teacher and a really great guy. World History is more about facts, dates, and those sorts of things. Whichever you prefer is all up to you, but History From The Inside Out definitely seems to be more analytical rather than just hard-cut facts. @LC2020girl

Thank you @HistoryGeek40 I appreciate your insights. That was the class I ended up picking. I look forward to being there this fall. Thanks again :smiley:

Question regarding laptops: do a high percentage of kids use laptops in classes for taking notes? (Assuming it’s even allowed?)

@Frydaddy Not many kids use laptops to take notes, but it’s not at all discouraged, I would say. The majority take notes by hand as many find hand-written notes reinforce information more.

Another computer-related question: I’m thinking about getting DC a printer. Waste of money or useful? is there typically enough space in the dorm room? I appreciate there are some general thoughts about printers for kids but curious as to Loomis in particular and whether it is easy to access public printers.