Ask questions about Purdue here.

<p>I’m from out of state, I know about the school is known for engineering. How is the business school viewed? also is there a state rivalry between IU and Purdue with Purdue seen like a little brother of IU? kind of like anyone who can’t get into IU goes to Purdue sort of thing. Also is West Lafayette nice? thnx.</p>

<p>For business you’re probably better off at IU, because Kelley is famous. However Krannert is nothing to sneeze at, especially considering how Purdue is arguably better known nationwide and worldwide.</p>

<p>You can’t really compare IU and Purdue as whole schools because people go there for different studies. I haven’t heard of anyone who had to go to Purdue because they got rejected at IU or vice versa. General rule is that if you want to do business or social science, you go to IU. If you’re into science and engineering you go to Purdue. People who get rejected by either tend to go to one of the branch campuses.</p>

<p>Not gonna lie, West Lafayette is boring if you’re not 21. But with the right group of people you can still have a good time at Purdue, especially if you go Greek.</p>

<p>Are first street towers available for freshmen? Man I need a single room.</p>

<p>Are one-person dorm rooms available for first years? If so, how much would they cost compared to regular dorm rooms for two people?</p>

<p>@seamon: Usually, yes. Since they’re so expensive, First Street towers hardly ever is 100% full.</p>

<p>@SameerHussain‌: Look into First Street Towers or maybe Third Street Suites. </p>

<p>For pricing, click here: <a href=“Housing Rates | Purdue University Residences”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I dont know anyone who goes to purdue because they didnt get into IU. I know people who have transfered from IU, but that is because they found that IU wasnt the right fit, not because of difficulty. While IU does have a better ranked business school, Krannert is still very good. Due to Purdue being a math and science school, krannert is generally more math based than Kelley. I will say that Purdue is much more widely heard of outside of the midwest than IU. You really just have to visit the campuses and see where you fit in. If thats not possible find a current student to talk to about it.</p>

<p>Yes, the content focuses of Purdue and IU are fairly different. In the majors that both colleges offer, students who are accepted to IU are usually accepted to Purdue as well.</p>

<p>Personally, I chose Purdue over IU because they gave me more scholarship money.</p>

<p>I plan to go to med school, so how hard is it to get a 3.80-4.00 gpa?</p>

<p>What major are you doing for pre-med?</p>

<p>The average gpa at Purdue is a 2.8/ 4.0, and Purdue has a reputation for 0 grade inflation. 3.80+ gpa isn’t impossible, but it’s definitely difficult.</p>

<p>Two of my friends and I received 4.0’s this semester at Purdue, but only time will tell if this will hold (we’re all freshmen). I’m elementary ed, and they are biology and biology pre-med. For reference, we all held a 4.0 throughout high school with AP/honors heavy schedules. It really depends on your major, study habits, and test-taking ability. I do know plenty of people that had excellent GPAs in highschool but earned a few B’s their first semester. If you’re determined, you’ll be able to get a 3.8 and above.</p>

<p>@Seirsly do you know anything about the departmental scholarship in the ECE department?
1)How to get it?
2)How much does one get?
3)Can internationals get it?</p>


<p>Do you mean these?: <a href=“ECE Undergraduate Scholarships - Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Purdue University”>ECE Undergraduate Scholarships - Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Purdue University;

<p>Or do you mean these?:
<a href=“Freshman Scholarships - Undergraduate Admissions - Purdue University”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@Seirsly 1st one. There’s very less info about it.</p>

1)How to get it?</p>

<p>Read the application process here:
<a href=“ECE Undergraduate Scholarships - Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Purdue University”>ECE Undergraduate Scholarships - Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Purdue University;

<p>2)How much does one get?</p>

<p>Depends on which scholarships you win, though they usually don’t publish amounts (since amounts might vary year-to year or for privacy reasons). The one’s I’ve gotten through civil engineering range from $1k-2.5k, but you can win multiple through one application.</p>

<p>3)Can internationals get it?</p>

<p>I do not know for ECE, but yes for Civ. Eng., so I might assume yes. </p>

<p>Scholarship faq: <a href=“About : Undergraduate Office : Undergraduate Programs : Academics - Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Purdue University”>About : Undergraduate Office : Undergraduate Programs : Academics - Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Purdue University;

<p>Or contact <a href=“”></a>.</p>

<p>@Seirsly I wanted some insider info on how to get the scholarship?
Like what do you actually have to do? studies? ECs? what?</p>


<p>Some have different focuses. For most you need a good gpa, but just a good gpa doesn’t mean anything. A lot of them focus on leadership and helping the community, so definitely get involved in ECs. Some like to see intern/ co-op experience or involvement in a specific field.</p>

<p>It’s the same for all scholarships. Do things that make your resume/ application impressive. Be better than your peers. No secret to it.</p>


<p>@Seirsly‌ thoughts about the Computer Engineering program, college of engineering? Thanks. </p>

<p>@iliveinmumbai‌ </p>

<p>No idea. I don’t have any comp. eng. friends. </p>

<p>I have been accepted to the nursing program (BSN). Purdue’s program is direct admit which is very enticing to consider. However, I am OOS and trying to weigh the financial aspects. Can anyone offer comments about the nursing program at Purdue? Quality of instruction? Freshman retention rate? Average GPAs?</p>