Ask Sheed30 A Question!

<p>how do I approach a girl I like who is with my in my section? Through a sister...
And if I wanted to approach an old female friend of mine, how would I go about it? just say OO i remember you! how are you??? OMG! remember that one time?...(something funny you both saw) and goes from there....
how pathetic is it that I'm taking dating advice on an online forum? VERY!!!</p>

<p>a) I don't know the girl's sister
b) We've been friends for two years and we remember each other pretty well..
c) I KNOW!</p>

<p>a) I meant through a "muslim" sister that you know and she knows....
b) then that should be easier for you...</p>

<p>Why am I on CC if i'm already in college?</p>

<p>Why am I on CC if i'm already in college? Because it's an addiction. You don't stop drinking in college if you started in high school. PURE ADDICTION BABY!!!!</p>

<p>sheed - I didn't get that. But I guess I can try that....but the last time I did it, it blew up in my face!</p>

<p>sheed, are the cowboys going to win the superbowl</p>

<p>What's Sheed, is that your name or something?</p>

<p>sheed, are the cowboys going to win the superbowl? NO</p>

<p>What's Sheed, is that your name or something? It stands for Rasheed Wallace when he was a B-ball player for the Portland Trail Blazers and his number was 30!!!!</p>

<p>sheed, how much money did I spend tonight?</p>

<p>sheed, how much money did I spend tonight? like 75 bucks</p>

<p>actually. it was 25 LE. you do the math :)</p>

<p>what's the end result of the math?</p>

<p>Why won't this thread die?</p>

<p>because you just bumped it.</p>

<p>and now i did.</p>

<p>what's the end result of the math? $4.50 NIce!! what did you buy? A cup of coffee?</p>

<p>Why won't this thread die? Because I know too much and people need my advice :D</p>

<p>no. I bought:
a slice of pizza from pizza station --- 5 LE
Small Goloso fries --- 5 LE
Coke and mineral water --- 2.50 LE
Starbucks coffee of the day --- 9 LE
Taxi back home --- 3 LE
TOTAL: --- 24.50 LE</p>

<p>what movie should I go see?</p>

<p>The Big it out!!!!!!!</p>

<p>How tall are you?
Are you good at bball?
What's P-town?
Why should I believe you?
Does E really equal MC^2?
Is your gf hot?</p>

<p>How much sleep have you gotten in the past 2 days?</p>