Asked to sing/act again?

<p>Hey guys…I’m usually one to read rather than post, but I wanted to ask this one question:
I was wondering what other’s opinions were on people being asked to sing or perform their monologues for another auditor. I know people always say not to read into anything at auditions, and that there really may be no rhyme or reason as to why those running auditions did or said what they did, but I figured I would ask anyway. I know some people get asked to perform in front of other people, and then I know some people get asked to do another song or monologue, and then others don’t get asked anything…how much do you guys think this truly matters in regards to the audition/admission decision? Thanks so much, you guys are always so helpful!

<p>I am not an expert, but I think that at CMU, being asked to “move to the other room” or “rooms” is a positive sign. It means, usually, that they are interested enough to want to see more and to want the other faculty members to see you.</p>

<p>However, CMU takes so few people that even a lot of the kids who are asked to move to other room/s do more songs or monologues do not get in. That said, if you were asked to do more or were moved to other rooms, take it as a positive. Think of it this way: if they weren’t interested, they wouldn’t want to see more. Best wishes!</p>

<p>Because of the huge number of auditioners and very small class sizes (1000 auditioners for 3 females and 7 males in 2006, 1000 applicants and 12 total in 2008, if memory serves me right) you really need to take an approach of “fatalistic optimism” with CMU. Sort of like “Somebody’s got to get in, why shouldn’t it be me” and then be prepared to shrug it off with a heartfelt “Oh well” if it is not you. While being asked to perform in front of a second auditor is a positive and encouraging, it has no predictive value simply because of the numbers.</p>

<p>And keep in mind that CMU admitted at least one boy and one girl (for MT) early through their precollege programs. (The boy is a wonderful young man and a very talented actor and is a good friend of my D’s.)</p>