I currently have a 72.3% in my French class. I’m a second semester junior, so as you can see, this is an issue because I can’t retake the class. I got a 95% last semester, but we had a sub for the first 3 months of this semester who was the absolute WORST. I can’t blame it all on the sub, obviously, because I probably could have done more, but it’s hard when you don’t have a teacher to help you. I want to ask my teacher for help with my grade (Obviously not rounding it up to a B but maybe giving me extra assignments to get it up closer to a 77 so I have at least some chance of getting a B with the final).
How would you go about this? I’ve never had to do this because I usually get A’s and B’s that aren’t borderline so either they can’t be rounded or I just don’t mind because I’m an A/B student. But I can’t get a C because it will be my first and there’s no way for me to retake the class! Any suggestions are welcome!! 
Just curious, was this sub just someone they called in to babysit or was this a sub that knew French?
Either way, YES, go talk to her soon. You can be honest about how the sub was not helpful, if it comes to that. I guess you could ask for extra assignments (if that’s allowed) and if you could possibly redo any assignments. Let her know that it’s important to you that you do well in this class. Good luck!
I would be honest with the teacher.
But instead of asking for extra credit, explain the situation and ask for help preparing for the final.
In my school, at least, a strong grade on the final can make a HUGE difference-- check your school’s policy for how the final exam is weighted.
That way, you come across as someone who wants to do well, as opposed for someone looking for extra, undeserved points.
@bjkmom It went well! I waited over the weekend and Sunday night she uploaded a ton of grades, so my grade went up to a 78. I still went in to talk to her in case I end up with a 79.8 and need her to round at the end of the semester, and she told me she thinks I will be okay and that she knows I will end up with a B. No extra work was given since it’s only 2%, which I guess is fine considering there’s still a month left!
Thanks for your help!