Asking for additional merit money

S22 is considering asking one of his acceptances for additional merit money. A peer institution has offered him nearly double what this school is giving him. I feel like he has nothing to lose by asking… if the answer is no, he will go with the peer institution because the difference is so substantial.

Anyway, my question is should he loop the studio professor in on this conversation. He has been very communicative with S and has emailed several times asking if there is anything he can do to help with the decision process. Also, should the main request be directed at his AO or someone in student financial services? (He is not getting any need-based aid.)


Definitely talk with the professor who has asked “If there is anything he can do”. Communicate the nature of the parallel school’s offer, and that the financial difference will sway the decision. Ask the professor who you should contact. It is possible (probable) that the professor will handle it, especially if he has been in contact with and is trying to recruit your student. Good luck! P.S. Your student should probably be the person to reach out to the professor, by email if that has been an efficient means of communication previously.

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Thank you! This is super helpful. Funny thing is that the professor at the school where S is trying to get more merit did his undergrad with the professor at the peer college. So they know each other VERY well.

I am hoping that perhaps other accepted students have declined at this point, making S more valuable? I guess we will see how it shakes out!


Several of the schools my son was accepted to have appeal information right on the financial aid award portal. Some ask to provide a compelling reason that is not apparent on the FAFSA, others ask for evidence of competing offers, and at least one asks specifically about loss of income and/or higher than usual medical bills over the last three years.
Son also reached out to the studio teacher at one school who assured him he would also speak to the financial aid office on his behalf.