Asking Professors For a Rec Letter After One Month


So my transfer apps are due March 15, and due to lack of knowledge, I made the mistake of not getting to know my professors during semester one, and when I asked one for a rec letter anyway, he said that he couldn’t write a strong one because he didn’t know me. He advised me to ask one of my next semester professors.

Next quarter starts January 8th. Since the apps are due io March 15, that gives me about a month to get to know the professor before I ask for a rec letter (a month in advance). My question is, is this enough time for the professor to say yes/feel comfortable writing a strong letter?


Yes but participate in class. Help carry discussion. Ask questions. Be on time. Give the professor things to say in her letter and enough motivation to say them.

I agree with @ProfessorMom1, it’s possible, but you have to definitely be on top of it.

Thank you @ProfessorMom1 and @TransferStalker that’s very motivating

Any other opinions would be appreciated!

Start visiting your professors in office hours right away but be genuine about it. If it’s a class you’re interested in, go talk about what was covered in class, ask questions, and really demonstrate interest. I think that a month is enough time to show you really mean business. I plan on doing the same thing for a professor next semester.

However, I wouldn’t mention the letter of rec until that month-before deadline. that way you seem more genuine (if you are) than just schmoozing.

thanks and good luck @OhWhatsHerName