Associate degree programs without math requirements

Hi, I’m looking for an associate degree program that doesn’t require math, or some kind of equivalent to an AA degree. I already have about 60 credits and a 3.8 gpa, but have taken math 4 times and struggle with passing it. I’m currently taking it and don’t think I’ll pass.

I don’t see myself continuing college if I get an associate degree, but I just want to finish it out since I’m so close. At my current college I only need math and one other course. I’ve also thought about just giving up again, but I figure it’s worth a try to look into schools that offer programs without math requirements.

What math courses are allowed to complete the requirement, and what math courses have you tried?

First college (Santa Monica College) required “College level math” which encompasses a lot of different courses. I took pre-algebra and passed and took the following course 4 times and couldn’t pass it. I assume it was college algebra.

Current college (Cochise college) requires college math and I’m taking statistics. I understand some of the concepts and am trying to get tutoring but I’m having a very difficult time with it. I think a big problem is that I don’t have much time after work to study. My teacher also does a poor job of explaining things, but I guess most of these courses aren’t designed for people who are new to the concepts in class.

Cochise College’s MAT 142 College Mathematics looks like an introductory statistics course from its catalog description. Is this the course you are taking?

If this is the course you are taking, perhaps Khan Academy videos on various topics may help if you have difficulty on the topic:


Another option is to go to and take a look at the following 3 classes (which you can take online for free, then at the end of the course, you take a practice CLEP exam, and then you get a voucher to take the actual CLEP exam at no cost):

  • College Mathematics
  • College Algebra
  • Precalculus

If you go to CLEP College Credit Policy Search – CLEP | College Board, you can then do a quick search of what score you’d need on the CLEP exam in order to get course equivalent credit at Cochise College.

Also FYI - Modern States doesn’t give you the free voucher to take the CLEP exam in a subject until you’ve passed the practice exam. And you can review the course materials and take the practice exam as many times as you need to.


Excellent idea to do Modern States and CLEP out of math, if your school will accept it. However, beware that if you go this route, and don’t pass the CLEP exam, you have to wait at least 3 months to be eligible to re-take that same CLEP exam.

This route would allow you to watch the teaching videos for the math class over and over, and allow you to take the practice exam over and over, on your own schedule, at no cost, until you feel truly confident of the materials. You could still go to the tutoring center at your college for help with any concepts that you have trouble with learning from the video lectures.


Yes, that’s the course I’m taking.

I’m watching other videos but I’ll try Khan Academy as well. thanks

That’s a good idea. I probably should have done this instead, but I guess I’ll try if I don’t pass my current class. Thank you for the information.

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