Assuming I shouldn't bother sending this Oct. score?

<p>I got a 30 on both Sept and Oct tests. I could have done better, I know, but I was sick for one and the other I just didn't have time to study. I did terrible on the math in October for some reason, not even sure what happened. Anyway, I'm assuming the math is too bad to worry about even sending the Oct scores, since the other scores are only a point or two higher? Most of my deadlines are Dec. 1, so taking it again isn't really an option. </p>

E 34
M 29
R 31
S 27
C 30</p>

E 35
M 24
R 32
S 29
C 30</p>

<p>I would send both because October shows improvement. I got 31 on the oct act (E-26, M-36, R-30, S-30) I’m retaking it in december, so hopefully I can increase the english score. How’d you score so high in English? I probably had 10-15 blanks. Math was really easy though</p>

<p>What would your super score be? 31? If so, it might be worth it, but i’m no expert.</p>

<p>I’ll send it to the one school that superscores, but thought it might hurt me if the other schools see this math score. Maybe I’ll send the Oct anyway, but I’m worried about doing so, if they happen to look at subscores - even though they say they don’t. I did pretty well on the writing, though, so maybe I should.</p>

<p>For thomas - English and reading are very easy subjects for me so I’ve always done well on those parts of the test. I’d do better with the reading but the time factor makes me feel pressured. My mom used to be an English teacher and my dad is very, umm, “grammatical”! lol. So doing well in English isn’t much of an effort for me, since I’m surrounded by “good English”. I know it’s hard for many others, though, and I think it would be kind of hard to study for it. I read constantly, so I think that really helps.</p>

<p>Math - another story! I don’t what happened this time. I can’t believe I did so poorly and am embarrassed. Math is by far my worst subject, but not “24” bad! I mean, I’m in AP Calc right now and doing fine, so I don’t know what I did wrong. Guess I forgot all of my geometry and basic math - sometimes it seems that I’ve forgotten it as I take these harder classes with other math approaches. You’re lucky to be good in math - a lot of people are pretty good at English, but far fewer can do that with math. I think in the end I am on the losing end. Math- and science-oriented people sure have more promising futures with careers than people like me who are skilled in language arts areas or political science. I’m pretty sure my super math-skilled cousin is going to make a TON more money than my language-skilled self and she reminds me of it often. :D</p>