astro c10 final curve?

<p>hey guys i was wondering if anyone who took this class before remembers how the curve for the final exam was...i know for the midterms the curve was about 2-3 points (course points not percentage points). is the curve for the final around the same or more/less?</p>


<p>bump please</p>

<p>Lucky for you, I kept an e-mail from Alex last semester that outlined the point breakdown for the past three years. In Fall 2006, 160-180 course points was an A+, 149-159 was an A, 144-148 was an A-, 137-143 was a B+, 127-136 was a B, and 119-126 was a B-. The points fluctuate a bit from year to year, but this was roughly the cutoff for last year’s class as well (Fall 2007).</p>

<p>this was good to know!
thanks def890</p>

<p>hey def890, do you remember the mean of MT1 from your year?
anyone else remember the mean of their Astro C10 MT1?
im trying to compare that to our mean this year (it was an 18.3) to figure out if this grade distribution mentioned above would still apply</p>