ASU or U of A biomedical engineering?

I’m making the choice between ASU or U of A. I want to major in biomedical engineering and go to med school but I don’t know which college I should pick for undergrad. I am accepted into the honors college at both schools. I would prefer to go to ASU since it’s really close to my house anyway and I like their campus better but I’m wondering if U of A would have more benefits (plus I know they have a really good classical guitar studies program that I’m interested in)

I think they are comparable schools. You need a lot of money for med school, so goto the school that has lower cost will be prudent.

Are you saying that you got into Barrett’s? If so, go there.

Did they both give you similar merit awards?

I got into Barrett and I so far I have similar merit awards from both schools although I am still applying for a couple more scholarships, which might change things

Barrett at ASU is still just ASU, the honors college at UofA is still UofA, and since you appear to live in Phx and want to get the most out of college, I would suggest you think strongly about NOT staying in Phoenix, close to home, or likely you will probably go home most weekends, that’s not how you become engaged and get the most out of college, you may as well just go to community college for two years, live at home and then transfer to ASU to complete your degree.

If you want to grow as an adult consider living away from home, but not too far, say Tucson, the honors college and dorm are actually newer than Barrett and the college campus life at UofA is different and I would have to say more engaging and involving and equally supportive, to a student looking to medical school.

Bear in mid UofA has THE ONLY medical school in Arizona, why do you think many if not most of the students preparing and hoping for med-school go to UofA and for internships?,

Consider UofA, ASU is good but certainly not better in preparing student for life or med school, you’ll likely get the same merit at both schools

Thank you Englishman for the advice. I do think a lot of premed students choose U of A because of the med school, but I always wondered if it really helped to have a med school on campus if you are an undergrad. I’ve heard from some U of A students that they have trouble finding internships. ASU’s website seems to have a lot of information for medical and research internships at big organizations like TGen, Mayo, Barrow Neurological, etc. and I hear of students participating in many of those. I also heard that U of A is really supportive of premed students, like with holding mock med school interviews and everything while ASU does not seem to offer as many support activities, but I think the fact that they have a stronger biomedical engineering program is also important because it would better prepare me for med school (and the MCAT).
As for moving out of Phoenix for college, I still think it would be better not to. I’m already kind of young for college (will be just 17 as a freshman) and I have continuing health problems so I would feel more comfortable living near my family, who I am really close to. I figured with the different travel opportunities like study abroad or volunteering internationally that I would still be able to have an interesting college experience. But thanks again for the advice

Englishman has good advice.

My husband is a physician, and yes, it does help to have a med school on campus. And UA has a longstanding tradition of excellence for pre-med. U of A is more supportive of students in general than ASU. ASU is just building their pre-med program now. UofA’s Honors dorm is like a deluxe hotel. It sounds like you want to be near your parents so commuting to ASU might be a good choice for you.

I don’t quite understand why you would want to “volunteer internationally” if you have “continuing health problems”. Other countries do not have the superior health care that we have here if you were to have health issues when you are in a different country.

@farizah Englishman would rather not be confused with facts. 1. Barrett is much higher rated overall than is UA Honors. Barrett is one of just seven honors programs awarded “5 mortarboards” by Public University Press. Barrett’s honors dorms are the only ones rated 10 out of 10.

  1. Barrett's pre-med support is outstanding: "Recent graduates went on to Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Mayo, Duke, and Stanford, among others." Mayo Clinic Premedical Scholars Program:

@farizah Seems you have been well advised, councelled and are well versed in the opportunities at both schools, I am sure you will make the correct decision, good luck.

@farizah. You will do well going to either school in bio-engineering for premed if you get good grades and prepare like crazy for the MCAT. There are fewer differences between accredited engineering programs than between other college majors at different schools. Every school must offer pretty much the same coursework and have the same minimum facilities. The Engineer in Training Exams and the Professional Engineer Exams are exactly the same, no matter where you go to college.

For what it is worth, my middle son has been accepted into both ASU’s and UA’s honors colleges to study mechanical engineering. If he stays in state, his choice right now is UA. I like ASU better; just as many like UA better. I would like my son to stay closer to home, but I know he can get a great education at UA and it’s not very far away. (Of course, he could change his mind tomorrow.)