ASU vs. CPP vs. CSUF for CS-ish major - thoughts on options?

Well, Jr. has narrowed it down to ASU (Poly Campus-WUE) - SE major, CPP - Biz CIS major (maybe combine w/ a CS minor), CSUF - CS major as his top three prior to our upcoming road trip to check them out + few other SoCal & NorCal options. His long term goal is to be a front end developer. Cost for each option is the same. He’s looking for the most traditional college experience (understanding that the CSU options are mainly “commuter schools”) in an urban environment with decent academics. He’s coming into college with 4 APs and 2 dual enrolled CC courses (incl. Calc II) so he has a bit of cushion regarding picking up a minor or just taking it easy.

Each of his top three check the box on those requirements in different ways but curious regarding everyone’s opinions on:

  1. SE vs CIS + CS minor (CPP) vs. CS majors re industry front end dev internships/job prospects - I understand that all are possible but which is “more likely” in your opinion?

  2. Any thoughts regarding the CS/SE academics at each of his top three?

  3. Which school would consider to have the “most traditional college feel” among CPP, ASU-Poly, CSUF (for him this means lots of clubs, lots of people on campus, good food, good gym, school spirit)?

Thanks in advance for sharing your opinions!

Not ASU Poly.

None are great options for what you are seeking but I’d probably go CPP first because they have a first year living on campus requirement - but only if you’re non local. But I’d choose among these two by major. He won’t have a traditional experience at one of the ASU ‘other’ campuses.

I don’t know his unweighted gpa but he could get into U of Arizona and it would blow the ‘four year’ experience at all three away. Merit depends on unweighted gpa. There are others he could get into as well depending on geographic flexibility and budget.

How technical versus business does he want his education to be?

Choose by major and curriculum on that basis.

The ASU Polytechnic campus is in Mesa, AZ. It is NOT urban. It is dead as a door nail there on weekends. Nothing is nearby that’s easy walking distance from campus. You absolutely would need a car. I would not recommend it for a student who is looking for the sort of experience that yours is.

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Interesting point about ASU Poly, we were thinking that, with a 5K student campus of which ~40% living on campus, it would be somewhat “lively”. Also, he’s looking for a campus within a days drive of SoCal so that is a bit limiting. UW GPA is 3.6 but even with scholarships from AU, the bill would come to $40K+ OOS. Each of he three finalists would come in at ~$25K and he’d graduate debt free. Given my income level, we don’t qualify for any need-based aid

Good advice here - definitely wants more technical than less. CPP would be the best option re student life given the 40%+ freshmen living on campus. If he keeps his grades up then he winds up graduating with the equivalent of a CS degree and a biz minor (vs. a basic biz degree and half a CS major with the standard CIS program)

Have to agree with others that ASU non-Tempe campuses are unlikely to be much of a “residential college experience for traditional college students”.

If the goal is front-end developer, I wouldn’t value a business minor all that much. Especially if he wants more technical, not less.

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I’ve been on the Polytechnic campus on 2 different Saturdays when ASU school year was in session (i.e., not on a holiday weekend or anything like that)…have had to be there for my kids’ robotics competitions.

It’s dead as a doornail there on Saturdays. Hardly ever saw a single student walking around. The campus doesn’t have much variety for food on campus either.

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You should seriously consider CPP or CSUF instead.

Thanks for the input. For me, CSUF is the happy medium on several fronts - he’s admitted directly to the major he’s most interested in, it’s a top 5 overall CSU and top 5 for CS among the CSU’s, well regarded in SoCal, fairly close to home, has about 2-3K kids on campus and plenty of off campus housing nearby, lots of things to do close by - but it’s up to him to decide! It’ll come down to fit when we go visit them all soon : )


FWIW, that was my first thought as well. CPP is certainly worthy of consideration, but if he doesn’t want a business-based program, there’s no point in choosing one when he could do the program he really wants at Fullerton.

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