ASU vs. UCF for CS

I got accepted to ASU and UCF for BS in Computer Science. I would love to hear pros and cons of both schools and opportunities for CS majors and job opportunities. Any insights will be appreciated. Should I accept their decision now or can I wait until May of next year and wait to hear from all other schools as well. Thanks

Is there any reason to choose now at either school? Are any of the other schools ones you would choose over these two?

How does cost differ, and how much does it matter to you?

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Direct admission to CS major at a prominent program is an accomplishment.

Assuming Honors College at both UCF & ASU, the benefits should be considered.

Without more information, ASU just because it is higher ranked for CS.

P.S. Just read some of your prior posts stating that you do not want a big school. Nonetheless, direct admit to CS major is too valuable to pass up & there are many ways to make a big school small–or, at least, smaller.

Since you prefer West Coast, ASU is the obvious answer between UCF & ASU.


Did you get into the Honors College? If not, time to do so.
You do not need to accept till January or February, at which point you can deposit to secure housing- this would not be a commitment to enroll yet.

UCF will have tropical weather, is close to famous Amusement Parks, is very, very large. Excellent Honors College but a bit overcrowded otherwise. Florida politics twds LGBTQ students may be of concern (or not).
ASU is also a HUGE university. Nationally-known Honors College that offers lots of opportunities. Hot, dry weather.

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Thanks, I am trying to still understand how the system works and I received an accept or decline offer letter from UCF, hence I was confused whether I can still wait until May to do this. Cost is not an issue hence I was trying to get perspectives on the CS program. I am yet to apply for Honors program in both schools.

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So applying to the Honors College is the next order of business.


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