At College

<p>And loving it!!!</p>

<p>Woo-hoo! Say hi to my DS, he is there somewhere by the guy holding the Pudgy Pollack sign, and he’s also having a blast!!</p>

<p>I would love to be there. I think this is the highlight of my daughters year! I talked to her last night and have never heard such excitement in her voice, she has wanted to be part of Gameday since she was in 3rd grade. She and her sign are to the right side (behind Kirk) REAUXLL TIDE with a houndstooth fleur de lis.</p>

<p>Lattelady and I will be there shortly.</p>

<p>5:35 am here. Better turn on the TV and look for you peeps. Has anyone found my bud slippy yet?</p>

<p>Jake Peavy!</p>

<p>I posted a pic on my Facebook…just for Slippy.</p>

<p>I spotted D and her friend, as well as hubby! Looked like they were having fun. Now they’re off to say hi to our long lost friend Juicebox (aka NJBama)!</p>

<p>M2ck, I’m surprised you and Slippy are Facebook friends.</p>

<p>Rose - send regards to Juicebox. Sure do miss him posting on here, especially during football season.</p>

<p>Oh yes, Rose - send regards to NJ!! And Class2012 and Lattelady, I expect pictures!</p>

<p>Got jerks, I think one of my sons was by your daughter. He may have ended up with her sign…</p>

<p>Hope they all dressed warmly!!! Brrrr…especially in the Freshman upper bowl!!!</p>

<p>Where are y’all on Facebook? I hang out there, among waaaay too many LSU fans, LOL.</p>

<p>Look up Diane Marie Kamer. Always open to new UA friends. :D</p>

<p>Not in Tuscaloosa, but on our way to the local watch party bar! DS in his shockingly crimson pants with little As embroidered waist to ankle! And he isn’t even a student at Bama yet!

<p>^^^ Maryjay60, according to my daughter, your son is also wearing a knit tie and a RTR button! They have become friends through the UA FB page. Just minutes after your posted your comment about the pants, he sent her a text about them so we made the connection. So funny! :)</p>

<p>Ha! DS just asked me if I posted about his PANTS on CC! It is a SMALL world of social media!</p>

<p>Is there an Alabama cc parent Fb group? Alice Weser Tremonte</p>

<p>Per D, Bama students in upper are leaving due to overcrowding from lsu adults and rude behavior :(</p>

<p>3kids~that is hilarious! The UA World really is a small one. :slight_smile:
UA Cc is the best!!</p>