I was accepted into Davis for the fall and have submitted my SIR. I am currently taking differential equations at the moment and have a flat 70. In the event I receive a D in this course, what are the chances of my admission being rescinded? My major is statistics, and differential equations is NOT a required course for my major/transfer.
I also hear that it is best to inform the University that there is a possibility of me receiving a D grade as soon as possible so something can be worked out
If you get a D, you will be rescinded.
Call the university and talk to them. Since it’s Dif Eqs they will probably have some compassion.
And I think you saw on another Davis thread that the college wants to be notified early.
Agree with advice above. And do everything possible to keep the grade in the C range – see your teacher after school, ask for extra problems, get a tutor, ask a friend to help you etc. – whatever it takes.
I called the university and they asked if I did TAG. I said yes and they said that if that course was required on the TAG contract and I fail the course, then there is a high chance my admission will be rescinded. Luckily for me, it is not, since differentials is not a part of my major. I’ll still try to pass the course obviously.
Did they have a GPA requirement for your final semester? My bf is going to UC Berkeley and the College of Engineering specifically told him that he must maintain a 3.0 in his last semester and no grade lower than a C or his admission will be rescinded.
reygun, no they do not. i have to have a 3.2 overall gpa for when the semester is over for davis. it’s different for each school. for SD, it says i have to maintain a 3.0. SD is fine if you get lower than a C as long as it was not a required course for your major.