At what point would a college decision get rescinded?

<p>You guys know what im talking about... senioritis. It's finally starting to kick in now that it's second semester and grades don't really have much of an impact, but I mean how bad would grades have to be to get an acceptance rescinded? Just no C's? Or what?</p>

<p>dont fail, dont get arrested. thats what i was told</p>

<p>Depends on where you’re going. Harvard would expect you to keep your 5.3, your local university would probably want you to keep a 3.0ish. All relative.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’ve heard no C’s. But don’t push it and get all B-s…</p>

<p>I’d say a good rule of thumb is to try your best to at the very least get all B’s in your tougher courses. Then make sure you get A’s in your easy non AP/honors courses. If you can do that you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Getting C’s is when you start to push it. Schools might be forgiving of one C, but if you get more than that you may be in trouble.</p>

<p>1-2 C’s is pushing it. A D or below is basically auto-rescind.</p>