<p>I am strongly considering attending UTD starting the fall semester of 2012. However I am faced with a dilemma. I really wish to pursue a career in the game industry and I have researched UTD's art's and technology program. However, I feel that the program is not broad enough to pursue other opportunities in other fields. As such, I would rather get a B.S in software engineering. However,since I still want to focus on game development I am faced with choosing which degree to get. My main concern is getting a job in the industry. I have been reading that it is very difficult to get a job in the games industry, especially without professional experience. I am worried that I will not be able to a job in the games industry and being stuck with a degree that does not let me pursue another field for the time being. I'd love to know if both degrees offer internships with companies in the game field such as Gearbox or iD software (both of which are in the area). I am leaning towards Software Engineering with much of my electives with classes in ATEC at this point.</p>
<p>So basically I wish to know which degree is better for me? If Software Engineering offers internships with iD or Gearbox then that would be the better choice for me.</p>