Atheists anyone?

<p>Although I attended a strict Catholic school that forced me to read the Bible every single day of 10 years, I'm an atheist. I just want to know how many of you believe and how many are atheists. This is just plain curiousity and is meant in no offense to anyone.</p>

<p>I’m Agnostic, former Christian (though not devout). I like to call it the “safer” Atheist. I question the existence of God(s). How are humans to know? On the other hand, atheism completely rejects the notion of any supreme being.</p>

<p>I have pretty “Christian” moral standards, but I think that the Bible is complete crap. Some of the lessons it teaches are okay, but come on. (For example, Noah’s ark?? ***?) I also believe in human evolution -gasp-.</p>

<p>I’m on the border between athiest and agnostic. Depending on my mood for the most part. These days I gravitate more toward athiest. Everytime I’m forced to go to church (which isn’t as often as before since I work on Sundays nowadays) I quickly realize I have much stronger moral standards than the “moral” people in there.</p>

<p>^ So true. I hate the hypocrisy of Christianity and Catholicism (I’m only familiar with these two religions). Not only of the religion itself but also some of the people of these faiths. </p>

<p>For example, a devout Christian friend of mine committed a hugggggeeeee sin. Yet it doesn’t matter since she asked for forgiveness.</p>

<p>Agnostic, leaning toward atheism. Leaning so far that I might fall over.</p>

<p>^That remembers me of a teacher of mine who once said if she were religious she’d certainly be catholic because you can screw up all you want and then ask for forgiveness. </p>

<p>I’m somewhat agnostic I don’t believe there are/is (a) god, and even if, it’s something that certainly cannot be proven or disproven, so it doesn’t matter for me.
If people believe in their religion in a healthy way, fine with me, if not, fine with me as well.</p>

<p>biblical stories should just be taken contextually imo.
i’m not a devout christian, but the religious practices seem too much for me. do you really think going to church every sunday is going to imrpove your relation w/god? how about going out there and actually doing something for the world?</p>

<p>I completely know what you mean.
I was Christian until I started attending a private Christian school,
and it gets really annoying when the teachers talk about God every 5 minutes into the lesson. For example, our bio class: " Class, you see how complex life is? This is all the work of God."
Isnt it enough that there’s a mandatory Bible class for every student, and chapel for 2 hours once a week?
They are FORCING the religion on us.</p>

<p>^that’s exactly how my school is. I have mandatory Religion classes and I have to read the Bible everyday and then of course, there’s chapel everyday of the week. No one’s ever tried to defy the religious requirements of the school.</p>

<p>I absolutely love being an atheist in the South! :)</p>

<p>I’m an atheist.</p>

<p>I’m a rather “staunch” atheist, if you will, although I detest the term. I don’t consider theistic deities an important enough subject that I can use the lack of their assertion a useful label in self description. I mean, srsly, I don’t say a-naive-realist or adualist when describing my ontological stance, AS THESE TERMS FAIL TO ACTUALLY SAY VERY MUCH ABOUT ME!</p>

<p>Plus, if a brief list of my many positions were given, only an idiot would imagine me a theist, lol.</p>

<p>Atheist. Obviously we can never be SURE if there is a god, but I put about as much faith in one as I do in Zeus, Medusa, Thor, and Isis… not much.</p>

<p>I actually wrote one of my college essays about how modern religions are in fact no different from the myths of ages past. Yet we treat them completely differently</p>

<p>Atheists assume an infinite universe with no beginning. This somewhat contradicts the big bang theory, so I am not an atheist. Agnosticism FTW</p>

<p>Well, I retract my previous statement. I am really digging the Flying Purple Spaghetti Monster this morning… ;)</p>


<p>But if someone were to give me legitimate evidence of god I would be more than willing to change my beliefs.</p>

<p>I’m agnostic. My parents are atheists and raised me atheistically, but some of my friends are intense Christians. They tried to evangelize me, and I pretended to be Christian for a while, but it didn’t work out… I would like to be able to believe in God, though.</p>

<p>I’m an atheist. What sucks is that I can’t explain myself well or talk to non-atheists about it because we come off as self-righteous and bitter about society. I hate when ignorant people try to persuade me. Give the human race some credit, we could’ve done this, the world ain’t that spectacular.</p>

<p>Yea I’ve been an atheist for more than five years. It annoys me that religion does not encourage people to think for themselves. I saw this tendency clearly when Prop 8 in California was passed. “Private religious beliefs” took away the rights of more than 15,000 couples and made their children bastards.</p>

<p>Ronit, I know exactly how you feel. The funniest part of it all is that they take pity on atheists. Most of the people who judge me take pride in that they “were raised that way” but I thought for myself and chose atheism.</p>