Athletes included in stats?

<p>Do you think Duke includes recruited athletes in their median rank and SAT scores that they report to collegeboard, on their website, etc.? Not to stereotype, but the recruited athletes that I know (none recruited by Duke) don't have ranks in the top 50%, yet Duke reports 0 people in the bottom 50% of ranked students. Is this because athletes often aren't ranked, or does Duke actually not report recruited athletes as it would skew stats. I don't think that anyone here actually knows the answer, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.</p>

<p>good question, come to think of it i’m not even sure if our recruits are included in the admission statistics…i’m guessing no but i’m not really sure…</p>

<p>I think Duke does include athletes in their stats.
Athletes who didn’t get in on academic merit make up only about 2% of the class.
They could be included easily.</p>

<p>I am 99% sure athletes are included in the statistics. I think you are stereotyping quite a bit here.</p>

<p>I was an athlete at Duke University and my athlete friends ended up being very successful. Quick recap:</p>

<p>Rhodes Scholar
Stanford MBA
U Penn Medical School
Duke Law School
3 Investment Bankers</p>

<p>The list goes on. I believe the avg SAT on our team was above 1400.</p>

<p>the thing about athletes at these schools is that they are not only incredibly talented in their sport, but they are generally pretty damn smart too. the kids i know that go to duke/stanford because of athletics are still incredibly intelligent.</p>

<p>10% of Duke students are varsity athletes. Many (60%+) are within the range of test scores, GPA as the rest of the student body. Another sizable contingent (~25%) are within one standard deviation of the rest of the student body, so it doesn’t affect the stats very much. A small percentage (5-10%) are considerably lower (football team averages 1050-1100 for M+V, I believe; basketball is about the same). And a very small percentage (2-3 students a year; basketball or football players only generally) is barely above the NCAA minimum (~950). Overall, this doesn’t drag down the average very much. And, yes, the stats include recruited athletes.</p>

<p>“yet Duke reports 0 people in the bottom 50% of ranked students”</p>

<p>I think you mean they report 0%, not 0 people. Those who were in the bottom 50% probably make up <1% of the student body.</p>

<p>For the nonrevenue sports, the scores are usually in the 1300s.</p>

<p>For FB, Duke now takes 1/3 of its recruiting class at/near the NCAA minimum.</p>

<p>During the 1990s, the avg. SAT score for the men’s BB team was in the mid-900s (placing Duke in the middle of the ACC).</p>