Athletic Pre-Read/Early Read

Agree. And it’s hard to get a 17 year old to be honest with themselves about the answer too. The theory of those things is not always as bad as the reality.

My son has had some things go much better than we imagined, but also some much worse. And how he responded wasn’t always the way either of us thought he would. But reality is different than theory. So is the mindset of a 21 year old vs. a 17 year old.

Which is where some parent guidance could be helpful. Definitely the kid needs to decide, but sometimes we know them better than they know themselves. They all get caught up in the moment and get hungry for both being a starter AND being on a National champ team. I was the unwelcome but needed voice of reason a few times during the recruiting process.


Pre-read results question. So, D got results from a NESCAC pre-read today. Coach had told her if she passed pre-read, she’d call her with an offer today. Long story short, Coach called her and told her that her pre-read “came back lower” than she anticipated. Coach told D she was really surprised with her grades, etc… Coach has been there 6 years. Coach didn’t use any kind of light (yellow or red) analogy or say anything about bands. D has a 93.83 GPA (4.0, unweighted) with multiple APs and Honors courses and 32 on the ACT. D has submitted at several highly academic schools and never been told anything seemed off at all. Coach told her that this has happened before and she is going to re-submit it and should hear back in 1-3 days. She didn’t tell D what the outcome has been when it’s happened in the past, but presumably positive or she wouldn’t have mentioned it, we’re guessing? Told her to try not to stress and that she is their top pick and they really want her there. Coach asked my D if that school is her top choice and D said yes and Coach said she would tell admissions that, because that could help.
So, D is pretty down in the dumps as this was unexpected. I’m “surmising” that admissions put her in a C band? Maybe coach wasn’t given a C band slot? Maybe admissions gave results of pre-read without knowing who ranked where on coach’s list? Does that happen? Is there a chance coach didn’t tell admissions yet D is their top pick and it will make a difference? D has solid grades from a highly ranked school, several APs, at least 2 honors courses every year and 3 APs and an honors course next year. I’m guessing coach is trying to get her moved up to a B band? Any thoughts on this? Please don’t say she shouldn’t put all her eggs in this basket- she and we know that- but this is her top pick and a school she could really see herself at, so it was a tough call to receive.

Sorry to hear it wasn’t as smooth as it could be, but I would take the coach’s advice and try not to stress.

There could be a bunch of things going on, including a simple mistake or misunderstanding. I wouldn’t try to guess. Give the coach a few days to get it sorted, order some pizza and find something to binge watch while waiting.

I know it’s easy for outsiders to say that, but your daughter is in a good position with a coach who wants her. And, it sounds like, reasonably good backup plans. Disappointing to not have everything fall into place right away for sure. But it’s likely just a small speed bump in a long journey.


@Crosbylane, let’s sort things out a bit - knowing that no one can really know what has and is going on. First, it’s good to know that you have a coach who is being honest with you. The coach could simply have not told you the result and resubmitted it.

I am assuming the coach didn’t tell you something that needed to be done, such as raising the ACT score. Usually, if the pre-read falls into the “yellow light” category, the coach will say something like “admissions wants to see another semester” or “you should retake the ACT.”

Every NESCAC team is given two slots (except football which is given more). It is possible that a coach will “trade a slot” with a coach of another team. The slot belongs to the team, not to any given recruit. That means that the coach does not have the ability to put any athlete into the slot. The recruit has to pass muster with admissions. Perhaps the coach didn’t make it clear to admissions that she was willing to use a slot rather than a tip on your daughter. My guess is that she is going back to admissions to advocate that your daughter is her no. 1 recruit, on whom she will use a slot, and who has committed to attending.

I agree that you should not fret too much. The waves have a way of righting the ship. Chances are that everything will work out at this school for your daughter. But if it doesn’t, be grateful that you know it now and can work with another school, which is a good bit different than non-athletic recruits.


Did you submit a school profile for the coach and admissions? A 93 average can sound low without a school profile that explains your kid’s highschool hasn’t fully committed to intense grade inflation. If the school isn’t very well known this might help.


I am sorry to hear this. It must be terribly disappointing- but I suspect is nothing more than a bump in the road. Stay positive and calm. You are still in a great place. You’ve got this.

The coach sounds experienced, so let her do her thing. She wouldn’t t sent back for another look unless she thought it would yield the result she was looking for. Coaches pull out all the stops to get their top recruit in, which it sounds your daughter is.


I will bet this is spot on. Maybe she was confident she could get your daughter in without using a slot and was told it might not happen. She is probably resubmitting using a slot.

The coach’s question about this being your top choice makes we wonder if their isn’t an element of yield management here. Perhaps they want a firm commitment from you rather than make you an offer and then let you shop around.


@gointhruaphase, @MrkInMerrick, @one1ofeach, @politeperson,
Thanks for taking the time to provide thoughtful responses. They are helpful. She has submitted a school profile with her pre-read materials. She has almost a 94 average with all As (ranging from 92-97 with highest grades being AP US History and Honors/College Physics). She goes to a highly ranked public school. Taking 3 APs and an Honors course next year. Coach has made it very clear D is her #1 pick. That is why coach (and we) were shocked at the results of the initial read. I’d have her guidance counselor send a letter of support, but the school is shut down for the holiday. D has lot of awards, leadership (captain, lifeguard, volunteer coach, etc.) and scholar-athlete, etc. and a 32 on ACT. I know selective college admissions is out of control, but as a #1 pick, with these stats, we weren’t concerned, nor was the coach! The coach did not say it was a yellow light- there doesn’t appear to be anything to “fix”, that is what is more concerning. Coach just said read came back “lower than she expected”. Bottom line is, if AO feels she’s too low to be admissable, even with a supported slot, not much we can do. It also concerns me that even if coach re-submits with a positive result, does that make the likelihood of acceptance (even with ED) much lower? Trying to stay positive, but this was extremely upsetting to D yesterday. With the long holiday weekend, she likely won’t hear until next Tuesday or Wednesday. This is truly her #1 and it went from feeling like almost a done deal to 50/50 at best. Yes, she has other options, but in her eyes, they rank far lower.

Nothing is a done deal - athletic recruiting just isn’t that easy.

Think about it. A coach submits maybe 25-50 pre-reads to admissions, depending on the school. The coach hasn’t given “offers” out yet, because she hasn’t learned the results of the pre-reads. She knows your daughter is interested, but it always is possible (from the coach’s perspective) that your daughter is playing out all of her options. This happens all the time, because there are a lot of overlapping recruits that have pre-reads done at more than one NESCAC. Think of the other schools where your daughter has had pre-reads done, but that aren’t her first choice. So, the coach goes back to admissions, says your daughter’s her no. 1 and that your daughter will commit to the school if she receives an offer. With this additional information, admissions may change its view.

This should be a lesson about how much recruiting can help in the admissions process. You are learning that your daughter, with all of her academic achievements, in all likelihood would not be admitted without athletics. That is how crazy admissions are at the top LACs. Be grateful that your daughter has athletics and absolutely will land in a good place. If it isn’t at this college, remember that there is more than one good-looking guy to ask to the prom.


This is definitely a question worth asking the coach. She should have a good sense whether this is a borderline case after a more thorough look by admissions. I would expect her to come back with a clear explanation and an honest assessment. Most coaches won’t gamble with their slots so in that sense your interests are aligned. But you’ll need to assess this based on what the coach says.


Update! As many have said, what a roller coaster! :crazy_face: We left with D early this morning to drive several hours to meet with a coach at another school (further down her list). As we pull up to campus, the coach from D’s #1 school with the “low” pre-read results yesterday, texts D and asks if it’s a good time to call her because she has an update. D texts coach of school we were pulling into, telling her we’re running behind in our travels and will be 10 minutes late. We pull over so she can call first Coach; she doesn’t want my husband and I in the car while she talks, so we get out and meander aimlessly and anxiously. Long story short, coach at #1 offered her supported roster spot and said admissions called her back this morning and she left breakfast with her family because she couldn’t wait to call D with offer! :smiling_face_with_tear: She said pre-read this time came back very strong with strong academics. So, I’m guessing AO didn’t know coach’s “ranking” at time of pre-read? We hugged D and she ran in to meet with coach of the school we were at. Now on trip home and D is calling coach tonight at her #1 and working out the details. Thank you all for your helpful support and advice in this crazy process!


Great news. Congratulations to D

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Great ending and great ride. Congratulations!!

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Great to hear and congrats to your daughter.

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Great news, congratulations!

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Congrats!! It certainly can be a rollercoaster, and TBH you don’t really feel like you can fully exhale until the acceptance from admissions is in hand, but this is an awesome development!!

Congrats again!!


Oh, for sure! I won’t fully relax until she receives that fat email in December, but I can breathe a little more easily for now!



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Congrats to your daughter. Please keep in mind as you have other schools on the hook as her back ups that there are also others of us with daughters in the same sport similarly waiting on the pre-read result call. Would be nice to let go of those other schools if you truly have zero interest.

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Absolutely! She will definitely do that the second she formally commits! We hope everyone finds their right fit!