Attended multiple high schools but form only asks for graduating high school and dates attended?

I am sorry if this is the incorrect forum, all other forums don’t seem to fit my question either.

I started an application for a university (FSU) and when I got to the portion where I fill out my high school information it said: “List only your graduating high school.” I attended three different high schools, but I listed only my graduating high school. It then asked for the dates I attended and graduated. Should I fill out the time I started high school? Or the dates I attended that specific high school for? I don’t want to make it sound like I am trying to pull their leg by saying I graduated a high school in two years.
Also is the specific month I started that high school important? It was so long ago that I don’t know if I started that school year in August or September.

Give them just the name of the high school you graduated from.

Use the date when you started there, and the date of your graduation.

Your enrollment date probably appears on your transcript from that high school.

If they want the rest of your records, they will ask for them. You also can call to ask whether your file is complete (after you have sent everything that they have asked for so far), and ask if they want your other high school records.

Thanks so much for the information! I will do just that :slight_smile: