Attending Simon's Rock?

<p>Hi, I'm a freshman (rising sophomore) at a highly competitive public high school in California.</p>

<p>I'm considering attending Simon's Rock following my sophomore year because of the academic opportunities that I would have access to there.
I want to major in computer science (programming), and my dream college is Stanford University.</p>

<p>Based on the following list of my qualifications, should I consider attending Simon's Rock, and what are my chances at Stanford so far? (If I attend Simon's Rock, I would probably try to transfer to Stanford after receiving my A.A.)
(My extra-curriculars may seem irrelevant/spread out, but I really am passionate about each of them.)</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0</p>

<p>Test scores:
2140 on the SAT (7th grade)
800 on the Chinese SAT II (freshman year)</p>

MVP in track and field (freshman year)
National junior olympics competitor/qualifier (7th and 8th grade summer)
Division lead in robotics club (sophomore year) (largest science club on campus with over 100 members. There are 30-40 members in my division)
Journalism staff (sophomore year) (only about 2 freshmen make it onto the staff as a sophomore every year)
Completed CM piano testing (10 years)</p>

<p>Freshman classes (aside from core classes):
Algebra 2/Trigonometry
JAVA programming</p>

<p>Sophomore classes:
Physics H
Pre-calculus H
AP computer science
AP biology (self-studying)</p>

<p>I have no knowledge of Simon’s Rock beyond the mailers that my kids received when they were your age. It looks like your present HS provides plenty of opportunity for you to develop, so why do you want to move from home and pay a lot of money to go to Simon’s Rock.</p>

<p>I believe that owlice has a son who went to Simon’s Rock. You could search for her older threads on the subject of early college for more ideas and information.</p>