<p>Hi, I'm a freshman (rising sophomore) at a highly competitive public high school in California.</p>
<p>I'm considering attending Simon's Rock following my sophomore year because of the academic opportunities that I would have access to there.
I want to major in computer science (programming), and my dream college is Stanford University.</p>
<p>Based on the following list of my qualifications, should I consider attending Simon's Rock, and what are my chances at Stanford so far? (If I attend Simon's Rock, I would probably try to transfer to Stanford after receiving my A.A.)
(My extra-curriculars may seem irrelevant/spread out, but I really am passionate about each of them.)</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0</p>
<p>Test scores:
2140 on the SAT (7th grade)
800 on the Chinese SAT II (freshman year)</p>
MVP in track and field (freshman year)
National junior olympics competitor/qualifier (7th and 8th grade summer)
Division lead in robotics club (sophomore year) (largest science club on campus with over 100 members. There are 30-40 members in my division)
Journalism staff (sophomore year) (only about 2 freshmen make it onto the staff as a sophomore every year)
Completed CM piano testing (10 years)</p>
<p>Freshman classes (aside from core classes):
Algebra 2/Trigonometry
JAVA programming</p>
<p>Sophomore classes:
Physics H
Pre-calculus H
AP computer science
AP biology (self-studying)</p>