Attending SOAR before knowing AP test results

My daughter will be attending SOAR before she receives her AP test results. She has completed her placement testing, though. How will this affect her class placement? She took the AP Calc BC test and is hoping to place out of Calc 1 and sign up to take Calc 2. Will they place her based on placement test results, or will there be a delay in her class selection?

This doesn’t answer your quesyion, but I’ve heard that many students who test out of Math 221 from AP scores take it anyway instead of starting with Math 222.

When she is at SOAR she will be able to register based on whatever information is available and loaded into the system at that time, and she will not be able to override the prerequisites. I am pretty sure that a good placement test score will not be enough for her to register for 222 without the adequate AP BC results. I definitely agree that taking 221, regardless of AP results, is an excellent idea. These math courses are no joke and not anything like AP math courses in HS. Also, you get lots of credit hours.

What I heard when I was there, was that you make a plan based on the scores you think you got, and then you have a backup plan if you don’t get those scores.

If your daughter gets either a 4 or 5 score on the Calc BC test she’ll get credit for both 221 and 222 for 9 credits. Why would she want to take the class again? Don’t.

But sign up for 221 and if she gets the score drop it. She can always drop and add classes after SOAR.

Many students who pass an AP calculus test should still take the beginning UW course even if they get AP credits because the UW sequence covers a lot more in each course. Remember, AP exams are for average level college courses while UW has more rigorous versions. I have seen past reports where some students flounder when taking the next level calculus. This is something each student should consider before making their course decisions. Of course some students can handle the next level. btw- students who get a 5 on the first calc AP exam benefit with the excellent Honors sequence. Consider Theory versus Problem based sequences. Questions for your SOAR advisor, and perhaps emailing the math department if your situation seems unique.

wis75 – good answer for those concentrating in math, mech eng, physics etc., but if you earn a 4,5 on the Calc BC test then I don’t see the point in taking the class if your major is NOT in that related field. OP doesn’t mention which Calc AP test daughter took, AB or BC, but if her intended major is L&S I’d say take the AP credits and move on.

^^OP said it’s AP Calc BC and as far as major - the OP’s screen name might be a clue.

Of course those who do not intend to take more math won’t need to be concerned about math courses at UW.