<p>Obama will not run the country down the tubes. Give him a chance and show some optimism.</p>
<p>That is all.</p>
<p>Obama will not run the country down the tubes. Give him a chance and show some optimism.</p>
<p>That is all.</p>
<p>Ugh, the spirit of partisan politics.</p>
<p>George Washington is turning in his grave.</p>
<p>I would like to ban political parties completely. The Constitution was quite obviously written without a notion that such parties would ever develop. The fact that third-party candidates are almost completely shut out of the government just shows how inefficient partisan politics are.</p>
<p>Yes he will. No choice but to give him a chance, duh. Obviously, four years from now I’d expect an apology from you.</p>
<p>Actually he deserves no chance. There is no way this country can further support the financial neglect of both major parties. Our economy is in such peril and nobody even talks about it, and no what you see on the news about our economy are just trivial subjects meant to fool the American citizenry.</p>
<p>There’s just the little matter of the First Amendment, Mister Strict-Constructionist.</p>
<p>The question is not whether Obama will run the country down the tubes. That job has already been accomplished during the past 8 years. The question now is whether Obama can bring it back out of the tubes. I does not matter whether the previous administration was republican or democrat–the fact is that it was a thoroughly botched job. </p>
<p>People complain about the two-party system, but that’s a bit of a copout. People are already too lazy to vote issues and policies, relying instead on identity politics. Not everyone, certainly, but enough that the parties and their surrogates spend millions on middle school tactics such as Ayers association, “socialist” labels, patriotism games, etc. It is we voters who must step up first to gain enough respect from the campaign managers to require that their candidates talk policy, not gimmicks.</p>