<p>They won't let me advertise on campus, so I'm advertising here! What is Brikwars? Here is the site: [url=<a href="http://www.brikwars.com/%5DBrikWars!%5B/url">http://www.brikwars.com/]BrikWars![/url</a>]</p>
<p>where are your meetings going to be held?</p>
<p>i dont really get what the club is about but i could go as a show of support</p>
<p>Nice. I used to play tabletop lego wargames in elementary/middle school, but we made up our own rules. Incidentally, we also made wargames out of pattern blocks. Come to think of it, I think my friends and I made wargames out of everything.</p>
<p>OK, if you guys both want more info, that’s good! Remember that one more guy and we get $500!</p>
<p>There isn’t a club yet, so we will coordinate our efforts here until I get it registered.</p>
<p>It’s a shame they won’t let you advertise on campus. Facebook perhaps?</p>
<p>What does off-campus mean anyways? Can you stand at the street corner by the VA hospital and pass stuff out there?</p>
<p>how many people do you need in total to get your club started?</p>
<p>I think four in total is the number required to start a club, so that’s three aside from myself.</p>
<p>I could feasibly stand outside the hospital and hand out flyers, but that isn’t a good way to do things; it’s not time efficient, and people driving to the hospital aren’t necessarily the sort who want to join a club at UCSD; they might not even be ATTENDING.</p>
<p>Hey Fairfield, do you happen be from fairfield, CA. Just curious.</p>
<p>^ Ya, good question…</p>
<p>Is it possible just to find a people who will give their names even if they’re not interested and then advertising once the club goes through?</p>
<p>“Hey Fairfield, do you happen be from fairfield, CA. Just curious.”</p>
<p>No. Fairfield is a random name that I chose as a screenname.</p>
<p>“Is it possible just to find a people who will give their names even if they’re not interested and then advertising once the club goes through?”</p>
<p>I’m guessing that if you aren’t a UCSD student, no. If you ARE, maybe so, but I hope you aren’t just offering to lie to them about being interested out of sympathy, just so they allow me to advertise. I appreciate the concern, but I’ll need to double check to ask them.</p>
<p>For that matter, who among the thread’s current readers is actually a UCSD student?</p>
<p>^^ I am</p>
<p>so what is the procedure? you just show them that 3 other people are interested and then you can start the club? don’t you have to make a proposal or something?</p>
<p>Most likely I will, and I don’t want anyone getting their hopes up too high. Even after getting enough people who want to join, this club may be a tough sell to the Student Involvement Office because it requires a long-term use of space. UCSD loans out rooms freely to clubs that only meet for a few hours a week, but while this one, too, only meets for around that long, its supplies need to stay there. We’ll need both a secure place to store our cache of bricks, and a secure place to leave the gameboard and construction sites out.</p>
<p>I am bumping this. I need friends!</p>
<p>your sites dead</p>
<p>It’s back up now.</p>