Attention postponed applicants

<p>i got postponed to the college of design.
with a 28 act
3.6 uw gpa
3.85 w gpa
honors and ap's
great extracurriculars
i'm really nervous and upset...</p>

<p>id like to know out of curiosity anyone else who got postponed and their stats, also which colleges they applied to and when they applied. i heard within a week of completing my application..i made the priority deadline just barely. some people haven't even heard back after weeks yet... its so bizarre...</p>

<p>what are my chances of being admitted, do you think?</p>

<p>I’d think you’d get into College of Design too, but you’ll probably get in once they review everybody.
I was postponed to IT with:
1290 M/CR
3.7 UW GPA
Honors & APs
Average EC’s</p>

<p>I applied to the IT as first choice and CLA second. Everything completed on Oct. 25th. Postponed Dec. 17th. Not really a surprise for me.</p>