Attn New Visitors to the Bama Forum...Scholarship deadline is Jan 6th, so apply now!

<p>For those who are just visiting the Bama forum for the first time, you may not know that Bama has extended its Scholarship app deadline to Jan 6th, so quickly get your apps in.</p>

We have not put down an enrollment deposit yet. We have gotten letters about the Presidential Scholarship and Engineering Scholarship. When we click on the scholarship tab, it says that we do not have access, it is only for people who have been offered scholarships, or something to that effect. Is that tab only for those “extra” (non-automatic) scholarships? Do we not have access because we are not enrolled? Is it because she is a NMSF and they are waiting to see if she makes NMF status, as the scholarship would change? Just curious!</p>

<p>Right now, that tab is only for current students. Your child hasn’t “officially” rec’d and accepted those offered scholarships. I think that process is in March.</p>

<p>Wow, that was a quick reply. Thanks!</p>

<p>Does anyone know if the transcripts also need to be there by 1/6 for the automatic scholarships for GPA/test scores? We submitted the request to the HS before the winter break, but don’t know if they sent them out in time. S should quality for the full tuition Presidential scholarship.</p>

<p>I doubt that the school is going to require that since they know that schools haven’t yet resumed. </p>

<p>Does your school use any of the transcript services? </p>

<p>In the past, as long as students applied by the deadline they were good.</p>

<p>Re transcripts…if this were my student, I would have my HS fax the transcript on Monday Jan 6th just to be sure (and follow up w/ hard copy as soon as HS is able). Or, call the registrars office and have them make a note on the application/file that the transcript is pending and ‘in the mail’. Better safe than sorry…</p>

<p>Yes, you can contact <a href=“”></a> and <a href=“”></a> and tell them that the transcript is coming from the school.</p>

<p>Include full name and CWID</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! He emailed the UA to tell them transcripts are on the way, and we will see if they can be faxed when the HS opens back up.</p>