<p>I am a High School Junior selecting classes for next year and am anxious to dump French. I am in Honors this year with an A- average and scheduled for AP next year. I have a GPA of 94 (weighted)- my school doesn't do a 4.0 scale- and my PSATs are low 600's per section. I have strong ECs. Next year will be AP History, AP Calc, AP Sociology, (regular) Physics, AP English and other electives. I am looking at B.U., American, Tulane, Delaware... Does anyone know if schools of this calibur care about foreign language for High School seniors?</p>
<p>My advice? Don’t take on more than you can handle. How are your French skills now? If you think they’re good try the SAT French Subject Test and see how you do. I think most schools care more about proficiency rather than level because classes at different schools are so different. So display that you know the language if you decide not to take AP French.</p>
<p>If you’re already taking 4 AP classes and you don’t like French, don’t take AP French.</p>
<p>If you already have 3 years (which I assume so since you’re a junior) then you don’t need to take French. Plus, you clearly don’t want to take any more French, and that should be reason enough not to take it next year.</p>
<p>For most schools you only need 3-4 years of French.</p>
<p>So I assume you took French 1, 2, 3, and 4…And you are considering AP. My suggestion? Don’t bother unless you plan to minor in French in college.</p>
<p>If you’re anxious to dump it, then you should dump it.</p>