Auburn Experience for African Americans?

<p>Anyone have info. or can share their experience on what life is like for AAs at Auburn. My S has a really negative impression and we can't make it out there to visit until March. He visited U of AL last year and was not impressed.<br>
I heard that the AU honors program is really good and he would qualify for that plus get merit $$. So if anyone is matriculated there, knows alums, visited, or can provide any info. it would be much appreciated. If you have experience with both AU and AL and can make comparisons that would be terrific too!</p>


<p>My D was accepted to Auburn with merit and honors program. We visited in early December and she loved the campus. Its not as spread out as U of AL but she felt it was a good size campus. I was a little concerned about the lack of AA students I saw on campus. There are not that many. U of AL seemed to have a lot more when we visited there earlier in the summer. My D has very diverse group of friends so the lack of alot of AA students didn’t bother her. They seem to have a very good support system especially for those in Science in Math. They have a free summer bridge program that targets AA students in those areas. </p>

<p>We met with the department heads of the 2 areas she was considering and they were excellent. Overall, I have been impressed with what we saw at Auburn and their recruiting process. They do a good job of attracting students with good stats not just NMSF. That is the one difference I saw between Auburn and Univ of AL. Univ of AL is really into NMSF but if you are good student with good stats but not NMSF, it seems like they just lump you in with everyone else. I know they have an honors program but to me Auburn’s honors seems more of an “honor” because you have to be “invited” to their honors and U of AL, you apply and if you have 28 ACT/1250 SAT you are in. </p>

<p>We visted U of AL earlier in the summer and while it was the early front runner. It had dropped to the bottom of her list. She has decided that she will be attending UGA this fall. We are in state and even with the merit aid offered by Auburn and U of AL, it didn’t match the HOPE scholarship and additional merit she got from UGA. Auburn was a close second.</p>

<p>That’s all I can think of right now but if you have any more questions i’ll answer as best I can.</p>

<p>Thanks so much. This is very helpful.</p>