Auburn students and parents

<p>OK... my S was just offered a scholarship at Auburn. He is a Hispanic Scholar and they offered a great package... fully paid. He really wants to study Aerospace Engineering and although they have a program, it isn't highly ranked. He would like to attend Purdue, Georgia Tech, or Stanford but Auburn was his safety school and attending each of those Univerities would be at a substantial cost. </p>

<p>Q: How satisfied are you with your/your child's decision to attend Auburn? What type of recommendation could you give concerning classes, honors program, school atmosphere, culture, housing, etc.. Any help or response would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Congrats to your S!</p>

<p>While there are likely some here who can respond, please also post your question on the Search & Selection forum and the Auburn subforum.</p>

<p>D just got home from her first semester as a pre-health major at Auburn. She couldn’t be happier with her choice and loves the other honors kids. The national scholars come from all over the south, but there are some from all over the US–we’re from CA. It looks like housing might be changing for next year’s freshmen, but our kids started out in the Village dorms, which allowed each of them a private bedroom with kitchen and huge living areas. Two of her friends are aerospace engineering majors, and they’re finding their courses challenging, but definitely manageable. It seems like they have lots of internship/volunteering opportunities, and the social opportunities provided by the honors congress keep the kids busy. I can’t really speak to the career/grad school opportunities for Auburn students (we’re just starting out), but it seems like there is a huge alumni network. Our experience so far has been overwhelmingly positive, but you should definitely visit to make sure it will be a good fit for your son.</p>


<p>Thank you so much for your reply. I’m glad your D is having such a positive experience at Auburn. Take care.</p>

<p>My daughter just returned from her first semester at Auburn. She loves it! Like Sherigmom’s daughter, mine lives with other honors’ students in the Village. She has already made great friends and is doing well academically. She loves being around the other honors students. I highly recommend it! </p>

<p>While the Aerospace engineering program may not be the best, I remember hearing during one of our visits that Auburn has graduated 5 or 6 astronauts and a couple of directors of NASA. </p>

<p>I just googled it and found this: [Auburn</a> University’s Chapter of AIAA](<a href=“]Auburn”>Auburn University's Chapter of AIAA)</p>

<p>Please, let me know if you need any more information.</p>

<p>Great engineering school. We visited last year and were very impressed. Aerospace Eng. Has good reputation and they have sime sort of program with
The Marshall Space Program in Huntsvile, Al</p>

<p>One more thing if your son signs for the Diversity Eng Program he will be actually making money while studying.</p>

<p>My son attendeds Auburn as an Aerospace Engineering majob. He started last fall (2010). They gave him a full ride. Purdue, Georgia Tech and Cal Tech were among his other choices. He applied at Auburn on October 1 and was accepted by October 8th. He did not complete another application.</p>

<p>He made a great choice. The university is awesome in everyway. With the AP clases and high ACT marks he started college as a “Sophmore.”</p>

<p>The deciding factors considering that Auburn is not consider one of the “elites”, ie, MIT, CAL Tech, U of Michigan, U of Illionois (aerospace) are:</p>

<p>1) He had already decided on grad school and figures that he will go to one of the elite schools for grad schools minimizing the the advantage of having gone to undergrad there.
2) Quality of Life - We went to about a dozen schools all in all on official visits and none compared to Auburn. In fact, after being there for 1 hour, my son declared that he would spend the next 4 years of his life there. He loves it today.
3) Cost - Never got around to seeing what the others may have to offer but can tell you that whenever I see my son now, he springs for dinner or perhaps a tank of gas. He is making money!</p>

<p>So, I think that the most important factor is the long run and how a more prestigious school my be better for some student’s potential career. In our case, Auburn is perfect.</p>