Auburn University Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

With Auburn applications for Fall 2023 opening in less that two months, I wanted to start a thread to share information and ask questions about the early application process.

Feel free to introduce yourself and tell us about yourself/your student!

War Eagle! :eagle: :blue_heart: :orange_heart:


My daughter just completed her application through the Auburn website! :blue_heart: :orange_heart: :crossed_fingers:t3:

I thought it was a little strange that all they asked for was basically transcript/GPA and ACT score. No place to add extracurriculars, rec letter, essay etc. I know last year they had so many applications that they streamlined the selection process, so maybe that’s what’s happening again this year, but it seemed strange to omit such important parts.

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My senior applied EA 1 to Auburn (submitted everything in August). Yesterday he received an invite to War Eagle Day. Does everyone who applies receive this invite? Or is this a sign of good things to come? Thanks for any insight. Fingers crossed.

Yes, we found this strange too.
Best of luck to your daughter!


Considering it’s invite-only, my guess is it’s for “highly qualified” students who they know they want to accept. Does your son have pretty high stats? That seems to be the pattern with students who were invited.
We’ve done the regular tour, but my daughter is planning on going to War Eagle Day.


Yes, stats are well within the published range. But I know that Auburn is much harder to get into than it used to be!! I think we will sign up for one of the War Eagle Days in October and hope that an acceptance has already been received. :slight_smile:

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Last year was pretty crazy! Definitely more competitive than before.
I think the first round of decisions will come out mid October, so just in time for WE Days. They wouldn’t invite a kid and then not accept them, right?! :smiley:

Are you in state?

Haha! I thought the same thing… it would be pretty strange to be invited and then not accepted. But given how wild college admissions have been the last two years, I’m trying not to count on anything until an acceptance is in hand. :slight_smile: We are out of state so attending War Eagle Day takes a bit of planning. We have toured previously, but I think it would be great to see the campus in a little bit more detail and learn about housing options. Are you in AL? Or OOS?

Yes, I guess you never know until that letter comes!
We in are in-state (Fairhope/Gulf Coast). It’s a little bit of a drive for us, and with the early check in, we probably will go up the night before. But I’m looking forward to hearing about housing etc. If your son is interested in Honors College, I heard that they speak about that a little more during WED. I think it will be worth the trip!


Congrats!! If you don’t mind sharing, what are your senior’s stats (wondering what the criteria is to be invited)? Did they send an email? I think it sounds like a very good sign of things to come!!!

I think you were asking @Magnolia2023, but my daughter got an invite by snail mail postcard. She has a 4.6 GPA and currently a 32 ACT. She has a lot of demonstrated interest, but I don’t know how that factors in. We are in state.


PBI but D23 also received the War Eagle Day postcard. We are OOS, 4.8, 30 ACT. Have visited Auburn before and AFAIK she didn’t receive the email.

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Hi george828, We are OOS and my senior’s stats are well within Auburn’s criteria, but not off the charts. His extracurriculars are super impressive, but I don’t think they look at that at all for EA. We received an invite postcard for WED, not an email.

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My daughter also received an invitation to War Eagle Day. She has a 4.2 GPA and a 28 ACT. We are in state.


I think all applicants who applied by 9/15 received an invitation by mail.

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You could be right. But I do find it strange that all the WED dates will be after the Early Action I decision day. It would be sad to invite kids and then have them find out just days before they go that they were rejected or even deferred, but I guess Auburn has a plan! :smiley:

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Agreed. My son heard from his college advisor that all students received an invitation who had applied in the first round. Looking online, it seems more selective though!


Got one in the mail and haven’t even applied yet. Just added to common app.

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My son applied just before the September 15th deadline and we received a generic mailer to visit the school but we already visited in June. It wasn’t specific regarding War Eagle Day.