Auditing Classes

Im wondering if auditing classes (recieving simply a Pass/Fail grade which doesnt affect your GPA) for unweighted classes looks bad on a college transcript. If I dont audit classes, I probably wont get 1st in my class, if I do, ad coms may not see that I am capable of gettin A’s in those classes. Any help is appreciated

<p>What year are you? If you are taking college classes while in high school, it shows a willingness to challenge yourself and take the most difficult curriculum. That is the most important thing. Is it a community college?</p>

<p>No, my community college courses are weighted at my highschool so I'm not auditing those. </p>

<p>Im talking about unweighted classes like art, sociology, anatomy etc. Basically it just show on my transcript that I passed the class, no A's B's C's etc. The advantage is it doesnt count towards my GPA so it wont bring me down as my GPA is above a 4. (my school goes on a 4 point scale for regular classes and a 5 point scale for honors/ap)</p>

<p>Im going to be a sophomore btw.</p>

<p>I'm still not totally clear. Are the classes being audited high school classes?</p>

<p>Yes, I am auditing my highschool classes, not my community college classes</p>

<p>bump....... No one has an answer? is this not a common practice at highschools or something?</p>

<p>Do you actually mean taking the classes pass/fail? Do you still get credit? "Audit" usually means you just sit in the class but don't get credit for it. </p>

<p>You will get a mixed response. Some will accuse you of "gaming" the system, or even manipulating the system. If your school allows you to take unweighted courses pass/fail so you can keep your weighted average at 5.0, I applaud your drive and creativity for figuring out this plan so early. Do other students do this? If your transcript is loaded with A's received in AP and honors clases I don't see how P/Fail in unweighted courses could be viewed negatively. Can you take gym pass/fail?</p>

<p>Ok, thank you. I was worried no one would respond. Auditing, in the context I'm using it, means that you attend the class, recieve a pass fail grade, but the grade does not affect your GPA. However, the audited class does show up on a transcript as pass/fail. You can't audit classes that are required for graduation (so, PE is required, I cant audit it). So it really doesnt matter if I get credit for it or not, as it cant be a class that counts towards graduation. You also cant audit freshman year so this year would be my first oppportunity. I would be auditing the following classes probably:</p>

<p>Art I
Photo I (both to qualify for ap studio art)
Psychology I (1 semester)
Psychology II (there is no AP psych at my school) (1 semester)
Sociology (1 semester)
Diversity Studies (weird class but it goes along with sociology) 1 semester)
Anatomy and Physiology</p>

<p>That is it probably it unless something else comes up.</p>

<p>Oh and other students probably would do this if they had the opportunity, but very few know about it at my school. If I dont audit classes I probably wont be 1st in my class, probably 3rd. (out of 850)</p>

<p>I think it is very unusual for a high school to allow students to take classes pass/fail. The extremely/very selective colleges will recalculate your gpa anyway using only core courses (English, math, science, social studies, foreign language). Since your HS allows pass/fail, it seems a strategy to protect your class rank. The only question then is how it would look to an adcom. My own opinion is that it is okay for some courses and not for others. I would say that nobody will even blink if you take Art, Photography and Diversity Studies as pass/fail. Psychology and Sociology are probably okay but more blinking. Anatomy is a science course and I would avoid taking it pass/fail.</p>

<p>(As said above, "auditing" is the wrong word for this. Auditing means that it goes on your transcript even if you never show up. This is "pass/fail".)</p>