<p>I have 6 college auditions coming up in the near future, and I still can't get a concrete idea of what I should wear to them! Everywhere I look there is conflicting information. If you have a general overview of what I should wear, please tell me - if not, can someone answer my direct questions?</p>
<p>Shoes: Choice between 2" character shoes and either running sneakers or slightly beat-up "golf"-esque sneakers. (Or high-heeled boots, but that seems silly).</p>
<p>Clothing: Respectful dress? Or skirt? Or should I go with classy jeans?</p>
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>Please guys? I’ve done maybe half an hour of research and I still don’t have a concrete answer.</p>
<p>Well, I am accompanying my son to acting auditions and here are my totally subjective impressions of the young women I saw. </p>
<p>At NYU the women were mostly in black/gray/neutrals, mostly pants, lots of great jeans, neat but not dressed up.</p>
<p>The Juilliard women were generally a bit dressier, but they also seemed older.</p>
<p>Ithaca the MT ladies outshone everyone with cocktail dresses and heels mostly.</p>
<p>Boston University women had that NYU vibe ( or the NYU girls had a BU vibe!).</p>
<p>In terms of shoes, I would wear something you feel great in. </p>
<p>And as an aside, if you don’t feel the need to change clothes between your monologues and your ‘movement’ part ( if there is one), you will be that much more relaxed. The movement parts so far anyway have not been strenous according to my son, nothing you’d need dance clothes for ( this is for acting only, not MT right?).</p>
<p>I would say neat, hip, but most importantly wear what you feel most yourself in. BE YOURSELF. ( and break a leg)</p>
<p>I’d say go with jeans.</p>
<p>I am an old lady (51!) but I say, do not wear jeans. A college acting audition is like a job interview and you would never wear jeans to most job interviews, would you? I don’t think girls auditioning for acting need to wear a dress, but a nice pair of dress pants with moderate heels and a nice sweater or blouse is appropriate.</p>
<p>^ actually, I certainly would, particularly for any communication-based job</p>
<p>dreaming 92 - And I would probably not hire you for my communications-based job. Even though our office is very casual (jeans and even nice shorts during the summer) there are times we need to dress up for meetings or events. So at the interview, I want to see your “polished” look, not your everyday at the office look. </p>
<p>I have seen lots of young ladies at drama auditions wearing black or gray slacks. There have been a wide variety of tops but lots of mid heel black shoes. </p>
<p>Again, like NMR I’m an old lady too so just my opinion/experience as someone who hires people :)</p>
<p>^ you can take that one up with the British Museum, who seemed to think differently.</p>
<p>My D has felt that she makes better impressions on auditors with simple but dressier outfits - a professional look. Especially at auditions where BFA Actors and BFA MT Actors are grouped and evaluated together for the acting portion.</p>
<p>When auditioning for shows, she varies her outfit choice a bit more and sometimes dresses more casually - depending on the show and organization.</p>
<p>NMR has an excellent post about audition attire on the MT thread. We’ve used it as a guideline and it’s been very helpful.</p>
<p>You could always pack a nice but more casual outfit in your bag to use if you arrive, the group is overwhemingly casual, and it would make you more confident.</p>
<p>alwaysinmycar- Great advice about having options!</p>
<p>I had a very similar crisis last night because I didn’t know what to wear to my Emerson audition this afternoon. But this morning as I was leaving I thought “I’m 17. I’m auditioning as a 17 year old. I need to feel comfortable and I need to fit with my character.” So I wore nice dark jeans and a nice solid shirt and sweater. I had my skirt in my bag just in case and even though the MT kids all were wearing dresses, I didn’t feel out of place with the other Acting kids in my jeans.</p>
<p>I also messaged a recent NCSA alum and asked what she thought to which she replied that it SOOOOOO doesn’t matter. Maybe try and stand out with a particular shirt or accessory, and look put together, but it’s about the performance. Just do your best, feel comfortable, and good luck!</p>
<p>Thanks so much everyone
This was really helpful. I found that most girls were wearing dresses, but I did not feel out of place at all in my posh jeans and heels :)</p>