Audition for Acting & MT?

<p>Hey, y’all! Can you audition for both the acting and musical theatre programs at University of the Arts on the same day? Thank you!!</p>

<p>Historically, UArts has permitted students to apply to only one major. The most current application on the website still requires students to select one and only one major to which the student is applying. If you desire to audition for both acting and MT, you should call the School of Theatre to inquire whether you may do so. In the past, I have heard of very rare occasions when a student auditioning for MT has been considered not quite right for the Mt program but had such a strong acting portion that the student was asked whether there was an interest in auditioning for acting. There have also been situations where a MT student, after the freshman year, has transferred to Acting with permission. I am unaware, however of any situations where an applicant has been permitted up front to apply to both majors as alternatives, but again, you should call the School of Theatre and ask.</p>