Audition material for vocal performance

I keep reading in the audition requirements for vocal performance that 2, 3 or even 4 contrasting art songs and/or arias should be sung with the majority of the material being in Italian, French or German. Some schools state that anything from Schirmer is acceptable. My daughter has a range from E3 to F6 though her lower range has the most power right now. She is 16. . My confusion lies in that I don’t understand what would constitute contrasting styles? She has Die Lotosblume and Caro Mio Ben completed but I know enough to know that different languages is not what is meant by contrasting styles. I am wondering if anyone could give me some examples of what contrasting style songs would be that would be suitable for auditions and what is meant by contrasting styles? Her voice teacher is preparing her but I would like educate myself a bit so I can understand what is required. Thanks. Thanks.

Some others may be able to answer about contracting styles. I left the repertoire completely in the teacher’s hands. I know so little about music that me getting involved probably woudn’t have helped. However you may be different.

I did assist my D in prepping for college audition by outlining on a few sheets dates, required material, repertoire etc for each school. I asked her to fill in the needed repertoire for each school - just to be sure she wasn’t missing anything. And lo and behold her teacher had her covered.

Maybe sit down with her teacher and/or your D to go over it.

“Contrasting” styles not contracting styles - oops!

lol. I do that all the time. I actually read it as if it was spelled correctly. Thank you for your input. I too know little about music. Probably just enough to be an annoying parent but I do have a good ear. Good advice about getting the sheets together. I am leaving the repertoire to the teacher but want to understand what is being chosen and why.

Maybe have her teacher explain stylistic choices with your D and have your D discuss it with you? It would be good practice for her in case the panel or a teacher asks her questions on her choices.

Some schools are very particular in their requirements. listing specific things like 17th -18th century century Italian, no arias, 20th century English art song… Others just say contrasting styles - one piece may be expressive and sad, and another light and cheerful - to show a range of emotions. Each school will have the requirements listed on their web sites. Overall, my daughter found having 4 prepared songs covered about every possible requirement for application: 17th century Italian, 20th century English, 19th century French, and another Italian (probably 18th century). In no case did she need German (it was either French or German, not both). Most required Italian and English though, so from what you have said, she might want to ask her teacher for an English art song.

Thanks everyone. This really helps. I kind of have an idea of what is meant by contrasting styles now… She does not know French yet but is taking German in high school and is learning Italian so I think adding an English art song is a great ideal. I t think your daughter was smart to have 4 songs at the ready just in case. She is working on Amarilli right now so that would be 2 Italian and she has a German.

Yes, it’s always important to have more repitiore then asked for. Rehearse it and travel with sheet music at all times, as you just never know. Some teachers will want to see more.
We had that at Juilliard pre college auditions. My D was asked “what else can you sing for me.”
It’s always good to be well prepared,IMHO.