<p>Hi, I'm so excited and a little nervous for college auditions. I'm a soprano, my type is disney princess, innocent young, and girl next door. I have been searching for months for perfect audition songs and I found one, but if anybody has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it! </p>
<p>Also I can sing in spanish, do you think it would be okay to have some songs or monologues in spanish just incase they want to see more?</p>
<p>There are so many songs that fit this description! It’s hard to answer such a vague question. What song did you choose, and what other songs have you looked at?</p>
<p>Regarding your Spanish-speaking ability, you should definitely list it on your resume, but I don’t think it would be necessary to prepare a song or monologue for college auditions.</p>
<p>I ageee - cannot offer much with limited info. Also, agree that being bilingual is a great asset in life - but since there is little call for that in the current
mt library - not much call for a Spanish monologue.</p>