Hi all. I graduated high school 2 years ago and since then I’ve been attending community college to get my associates. My initial plan was to go to community college for 2 years and then transfer to my state school (Penn State) and major in Biology. However, I’ve had a sudden change of heart and recently I’ve been really drawn towards auditioning for MT/Drama schools.
I’m aware of how the process works (I auditioned my senior year and I was admitted to Boston Conservatory and NYU, but couldn’t attend either due to finances) and I do think I’m good enough to at least be competitive for these programs, but I’m worried that my age would be a major disadvantage.
I’ll be turning 20 in august, meaning I’ll be 2-3 years older than everyone else who is auditioning. Would a theater program take a chance and accept an older student? When I graduate, I would be 24 (turning 25) so my career as an actress would be somewhat short lived. So should I follow my gut and audition next year? Or would my time be better spent training at a 1-2 year conservatory, or maybe just going along with my original plan and majoring in Bio? I do want this, but I can’t help but feel that I missed my window of opportunity 
Any advice or insight helps.
Those are fantastic programs, but yes, very expensive! You must have done very well to have been accepted.
My daughter will be starting MT or Acting at college at age19, with about a year’s worth of Community College courses under her belt. Many kids will have taken a gap year. A lot of kids deferred this year, too, so they will all be starting a year older. There will be transfer students. You will not be thought of as too old, and you are not too old! Go for it!
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Just be aware that you will have to essentially re-start college at most schools. We participated in a virtual college fair yesterday and stumbled into one that had a two year program for people with 60 hours of CC under their belts. I can’t remember if it was Dean or Cornish. I think you will find a number of schools where you might be considerably “older” (especially in maturity) than your classmates, but there are also a ton of schools out there where your age would be completely normal. Go for it! By the way, both those schools had rolling admissions and made it sound like it was possible to get in for fall even applying now.
We have kids with 1,2 year gaps with /without college and a couple with full 4 year degrees already in my kid’s class. People don’t always know what they want qt 17-18 or also circumstances, change. I think they care about your talent, commitment and vision for your career. BAL!
I know of transfer and gap year kids in a bunch of programs. And they are older. So, as others have said, really don’t think age matters. As long as you understand that for a BFA you will likely have to complete four more years due to the progression of courses go for it! If that’s a concern maybe search out a BA that might afford a quicker path to completion. And do some costs research up front so you apply to more affordable programs. But you are never too old to reach for the stars! Break a leg!