<p>okay i know this isn't exactly the right category, but i figured you guys would know best...</p>
<p>i've never acted before (i more of a behind the scenes girl) but i'm auditioning for a play (i'm going to be a freshmen in college) because it's something i've always wanted to try. </p>
<p>anyway, i need a monologue, and i was wondering if you guys had any suggestions for plays i could find one in? And any tips? Please?!?!</p>
<p>Random thoughts; You can start with an internet search as there are a bunch of free places to find them. Then maybe think of plays you have seen where there are roles that you have connected with. Choose something that is age appropriate and that you connect with. Put in the time to know it like the back of your hand and look for opportunities to stand in front of people and do the monologue prior to the audition so you dont panic if this is new to you. One common mistake I have seen is choosing over the top angry pieces. If its a monologue from a play, know what is going on prior to your piece. Know who it is your talking too. Some people use substitution which means if your Jane and your speaking with Bob who you are in love with but can never have, pretend you are really speaking to a real person in your life that fits that bill. Dont look your auditionar in the eye, normally just over their heads. Dont move around on the stage too much but dont move only your mouth. Dont over try. Dont expect to be fabulous the first time. Have fun with it and if you feel yourself holding back, be amazed by that, smile (inside) and move past it. If you do well, be proud, if you dont, pat yourself on the back for being willing to take a risk and try again next time :)</p>