Auditions for Rent in NYC today

<p>Here is the audition notice:</p>

<p>RENT Mon. Nov. 28, 10am-3pm (signup starts at 9:30), 37 ARTS, 450
W. 37th (between 9th and 10th) An open call will be held for the hit
Broadway production and an all new national tour of Rent. Equity and
non -Equity performers of all ethnicities are welcome. Please prepare
16 bars of contemporary rock, pop or gospel song to sing acapella. NO
MUSICAL THEATRE tunes. Please bring sheet music, in case we need to
hear you with the piano, and your photo and resume stapled together.
Equity Principal Procedures NOT in effect; no monitor provided,
producer will run all aspects of the audition. Seeking hip, authentic
singers in their 20s to be cast in the Broadway production and the
all new national tour. If you are unable to attend this open call,
please mail your photo and resume to Rent Casting, 145 W. 28th St,
12F, New York, NY 10001.</p>

<p>RossJi...sorry, I realize there were two ways to interpret your comment and I took the one thinking you were saying you had to pay the agent for the audition. But you meant if Lynn's D was cast, she would not have agent commissions as it was an open call and not an agent submission....duh, sorry! I read too quickly and made the wrong interprettation and even when I was making it, I was thinking, hmm, I know you would have most likely known this given the work I know your D has done. Silly me!

<p>I wish we had to worry about commissions and fees!!!!</p>

<p>Lynn m, you're funny. Ha ha! Susan darling, please don't apologize. I should have written COMMISSION instead of FEE, then it would have been clearer! And besides, you were only trying to help. But I accept your apology, lol!</p>