August Move In

<p>My son will be residing in RSC-N, can anyone confirm move in is on Sat. Aug. 18th. Do most parents drop their kids off and leave, or do they stay the weekend. Does anyone recommend coming in a few days before, or staying a few days after.
We’re from OOS, 12 hour drive and I want to plan time off work, hotels etc…</p>

<p>Any advice would be appreciated.</p>

<p>This response from Housing was posted in another thread and includes a link about the move in dates.</p>

<p>Here is the link:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>This is what Housing said:</p>

<p>"The dates for Move-In have been announced:</p>

<p>Move-In 2012</p>

<p>I do not know exactly when AA/OA will begin, but they move-in days for that are Aug. 9-11. Please check the schedule. Due to construction on campus, there are some road closures that will affect move-in.</p>

<p>If you have any questions about which buildings have move-in which days, please call us!"</p>

<p>Hope this helps,
Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>As far as arrival and departure for parents, I would recommend making a trip of it as a family if you would like. We are from OOS and chose to arrive the day before. Although volunteers move students’ belongings from the car to the suite, there is still much work to be done and you will not want to be so rushed and tired when leaving. We stayed at the Capstone from Friday until Sunday and left Sunday evening as her Alabama Action activities began. BOOK NOW…many hotels are already booked. I would recommend checking The Hampton on Harper Lee, The Hilton Garden Inn, The Holiday Inn Express, The Capstone Inn on campus, or the Yellow Hammer (although it is about 20 minutes away). We have stayed at each of this and I am confident in recommending them. There are activities during the following week for students that will keep them busy. I don’t think you’ll want to stay past the weekend. Welcome and best of luck to you and your son. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I flew down with my mom from New Jersey two days before move in. It was helpful to get there early, because we were able to do the shopping that we didn’t want to do at home and whatnot. My mom flew back the day I moved in (after helping me move in), and I do remember her saying she wished she weren’t leaving so soon – it’s pretty common for parents to stay for the weekend. There will definitely be parents around for that whole time – parents who live close come back and forth, parents from far away want to stay for a few days. Just keep in mind that your son will probably want to spend time meeting new people and may not spend all of his time with you if you stay after move in. :)</p>

<p>my daughter is participating in alabama action. she will be residing in ridgecrest south - north tower. i thought i would move her in on aug 10th and leave aug 12th. i live approximately 4 hrs away. do you think i need to go back up the next weekend when everyone else will be moving in to see if she needs anything extra and/or to meet her roommates? will she miss out on anything if i’m not there the next weekend?</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s necessary at all for you to come back. If she needs something, she can surely find a way to get it, and you can always meet her roommates at a later date. That being said, if you want to make the drive and she wants you to, there’s no reason not to! It’s totally just whatever works for you two…you will see anything from kids who fly down completely alone and their parents never step foot in the state to those whose parents visit every weekend, and everything in between.</p>

<p>On an unrelated note, I did Alabama Action and loved it! I hope your daughter enjoys it!</p>

<p>It’s not necessary. Save your visit for another time.</p>

<p>thanks! are there any other “important dates” that i need to know about ahead of time for parents that i will need to book a hotel for?</p>

<p>azaleamob: there is a Target night during Week of Welcome (after Alabama Action is over) where they run buses to the Target after regular hours & the have the store open for a special UA event. D found that a perfect time to pick up stuff that she’d forgotten. And the Crimson Ride runs to Midtown Village, the Mall & SuperTarget every Sunday afternoon.</p>

<p>thanks! i noticed that oct 6th was a good weekend to visit as there is no football game and the campus should be rather dull so i would be able to have my daughter’s undivided attention all weekend during a visit. i booked the hotel for that weekend to visit instead. thanks robd, that makes me feel better as my daughter will have no car.</p>

<p>azaleamob251…there will lots of kids with cars! i am sure that your DD will make lots of friends during AA and that one of them will have a car. It’s amazing when one person goes on a Target run it turns in to a group event.
Great idea to go on a non football weekend…life is so much calmer…lots of locals ( with in driving distance) go home. you will have the run of the town and won’t have to stand in those long Game Day lines for food at Mugshots, Bento, Chucks Fish ect. I am so excited for you and your D…y’all will love Bama!!</p>

<p>There are many events around campus, during move-in weekend, that will be open to both parents and students to attend. It is also a good time to get to know your student’s roommates and (sometimes) their families. We had a lovely meal with one of my son’s roommate’s family the first year.</p>

<p>If you have a long drive (I DO), I like to arrive in town the night before, get some sleep and start fresh in the morning. These old bones object to the 20 hour drive! :)</p>

<p>I also like to buy items in my hometown without rushing. I stocked up over the summer and was ready and packed to go when the time came to travel to Bama. Hint…Keep a master list of items to avoid double purchases.</p>

<p>FWIW, D has made it through 2 years without a car and it’s never been an issue.</p>