Automatic Merit Scholarship?

<p>Has anyone compiled a list of colleges that offer automatic merit aid (i.e., if you have a GPA of x and an ACT/SAT of y, you get a merit award in a certain amount). An example would be Alabama - if you're OOS and you have a GPA of 3.5 and ACT of 30-31, you get 2/3 of tuition, if you have 3.5 and 32-36, you get full tuition - no interview, no making a further cut. I've looked around a bit and haven't found anything like this, but I'm not particularly adept at searching.</p>

<p>BYU, Baylor - 10 chars</p>

<p>A simple Google search like ‘merit college scholarship gpa act’ yields tons of results.</p>

<p>… might yield tons of results, but the OP is asking for a table that looks like this:</p>

<p>[url=<a href=“]The”>]The</a> Gateway Award Program: Ohio University Admissions<a href=“see%20the%20Gateway%20table”>/url</a></p>

<p>In OU’s case, the tuition is broken into two components: the “In-State Tuition” and (if applicable) the “Out-of-State Supplement”). Tho OOS piece is roughly equivalent to the In-State piece, so an OOS student’s tuition is twice the in-state student’s.</p>

<p>I <em>think</em> the in-state tuition is in the neighborhood of 9K and the OOS supplement is somewhere around $9K.</p>

<p>But, the table shows automatic merit scholarships for levels of ACT/SAT (and GPA):</p>

<p>For example, a score of 32 ACT or 1400 SAT (M+CR) gives you the full in-state portion as a scholarship (and lesser amounts for lesser scores) PLUS, if you are OOS and have a 3.0 and a score higher than ACT 25 or SAT 1130, you get $4500 towards the OOS supplement.</p>

<p>So, if you had a 32/1400 and were in-state, you would get a full tuition scholarship; OOS, that would net you about three-quarters of your tuition paid.</p>

<p>Ohio University might not rank in the top 50 (I think it’s around 120 or so), there is one area where it ranks extremely high, but of course that’s then the most competitive to get into: The Scripps School of Communication, which has two highly-ranked departments: Journalism and Media Studies.</p>

<p>Indiana University does</p>

<p>i think Oklahoma City University does.</p>

<p>Ohio Northern University (not a premiere U but good for B students).</p>

<p>USC: half tuition for four years if NMSF, if admitted.</p>

<p>Alabama has awards from full ride to NMF’s, and full tuition for people with a 3.5 and 32 or 1400/1600. And UA is becoming a better school than it was a few years ago.</p>

<p>“A simple Google search like ‘merit college scholarship gpa act’ yields tons of results.”</p>

<p>Do the advanced search and at the bottom in the section “Search within a site or domain” type in .edu That way you will only get the universities offering merit scholarships. You still will have to sift through the schools, though.</p>

<p>Whitworth does</p>

<p>Rutgers does</p>

<p>[First-Year</a> Scholarships](<a href=“]First-Year”></p>

<p>University of San Francisco.</p>

<p>Where can I find that about USF, lunitari? I applied there, and just checked again, and didn’t see anything like that. I know they have the University Scholars program and some other scholarships, but nothing seemed guaranteed.</p>

<p>USF University scholars: (Moot point for this year’s applicants who have not already applied) New freshmen applicants for admission who are US citizens or permanent residents and who have demonstrated extraordinary scholarship and aptitude, based on their academic grade point average and SAT scores or ACT scores, are invited to enter USF as University Scholars . Scholars receive a renewable scholarship that pays a substantial portion of the cost of the academic year’s tuition for up to eight semesters of undergraduate study at USF. To be considered, applicants for admission must apply no later than November 15 under the Early Action Plan for the following academic year. [University</a> of San Francisco (USF) - University Grants & Scholarships](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>For other schools go to [</a> Search Merit Scholarships, Academic Scholarships, Merit Awards - Merit Aid - Search](<a href=“”></p>

<p>Okay, I knew about that, but I was confused, because nowhere does it say what the stats are that are needed to be a University Scholar.</p>

<p>They don’t say what stats are needed. My daughter was offered this last year, but chose to go elsewhere (she applied early decision). The year before, my son, who did NOT apply early decision was accepted as a University Scholar. He is currently attending USF.</p>

<p>If you don’t mind me asking, what range of stats did your kids have? I’ve got a 4.0 UW GPA and 2220 SATs, so looking at the stats for the school as whole, it seems like I’ve definitely got a shot, but I’d love to know from someone with experience with this program.</p>

<p>bump, I was wondering about USF too.</p>